Thursday, December 13, 2007


Since I have only done one other thing like this in my 9 months of posting, you can tell that I am really not a "meme" kinda person. I enjoy reading them from time to time when they show up at some of my favorite sites, but otherwise, not really my thing.

Maybe cuz it requires too much actual thinking!

So, this is a HOOPLA!

HOOPLA as in party.

So just think of it as a fun (yes, fun!) party game!

And since I am usually in charge of the party games in real life, I say it is time to play!

Lori has tagged me for this fun idea wherein I have to share 12 random things about myself that are Christmas related. Here are the rules:

1. List 12 random things about yourself that have to do with Christmas
2. Please refer to it as a 'hoopla' and not the dreaded 'm'-word
3. You have to specifically tag people when you're done. None of this "if you're reading this, consider yourself tagged" stuff is allowed...then nobody ends up actually doing it. The number of people who you tag is really up to you -- but the more, the merrier to get this 'hoopla' circulating through the blogosphere.
4. Please try and do it as quickly as possible. The Christmas season will be over before we know it and I'd like to get as many people involved as possible.

12 Random Christmas Things About Stacey:

1. I admit it. I ruined my brother's very childhood existence at the tender age of 7 by letting him know that "Santa" was, well you know, not who we really thought he was. Honestly, as his big sister and the oldest, I was simply trying to protect him and my parents. See, we woke up before them one Christmas Day and he was very disappointed about what Santa left him. It was not what he asked for and he was being very vocal about it. I knew about Santa and I also knew we did not have a lot of money back then, so I was hoping to spare my parents the hurt as well.

2. Christmas truly is my favorite holiday. I love to decorate, send cards, go to holiday parties, and create traditions for my kids.

3. This is the first year since I have been married (8 years) that we actually have Christmas lights on the outside of our house. I like it, but he never really wanted to mess with it. Last year, the kids started to notice and this year they really started talking about how cool everyone's house looked. I threw out a guilt trip last weekend, so he went to Walmart last Saturday night after 9pm and came home with those kind you spread over the bushes. Kinda chintzy looking to me, but the kids thought it was the coolest thing ever. And that is what counts!

4. I love Christmas music and am not ashamed to admit I do listen to it in the car once it starts on the "all Christmas, all month" radio stations.

5. On the days I work during the month of December, I don't put on my mascara until I arrive at my office. It would not do any good because I would just cry it off. Christmas wishes do me in every.single.time! The stories break my heart with sadness but the generosity fills my soul with hope.

6. During the Christmas season, you will often find me watching the tree after everyone has gone to bed. I enjoy the peace I feel just taking in the glow.

7. After-Christmas sales are like crack for me, although I have done really well the last few years. First, I can't help the bargain aspect. Second, I love Christmas stuff!

8. I don't have a nativity set. And that makes me sad. I really really want the Willow Tree collection and need to remind everyone about helping me start my collection over the next few years. I saw someone who collected nativity sets on their site the other day and thought that was such a neat idea. That way I can have some kid-friendly ones too!

9. I usually put up two trees, but would do more if my husband would let me. My big tree is reds and golds with a majority of lights, balls, Santa's, and old school looking decorations. My smaller tree is silver, purples, pinks. I want a kitchen cookie cutter tree, a tree for each child's room with their theme, and I want a funky tree, too! Either the cool green you see now or brown/blue/silver.

10. We do the typical traditional things with the kids; visit Santa, bake cookies, leave food for reindeer, write letters to Santa, get a new ornament each year, new Christmas book, see lights. But I really want to do more and make it more special. We were not really a family of traditions and I have that desire for my own family. Next year, I want to start an Advent calendar, Elf on a Shelf, and the 3 present limit from Mommy and Daddy in honor of the gifts Jesus received as a baby.

11. I send out A LOT of Christmas cards! 135 so far this year! I know! Call me crazy, but it is important to me. While it is true that I don't communicate with many of those people otherwise throughout the year, I just feel the need to connect during this time. I love hearing from people and seeing how their lives or families have changed. The feedback I get is that they love the same thing when they receive our card.

12. My favorite new Christmas book is "God Gave Us Christmas"! (Thanks Jenn!)

Ok, that was not too bad!

Now I pass this along to 12 other friends in honor of 12 Random Christmas Things-

Jennifer, Jennifer O, Jenna, Kimmy, Kelli, Julie-Anne, Cara, Jennifer, Elizabeth, Grace, Megan, Martie


Melissa said...


My husband and I have served overseas for the past 12 years and will be going back to Thailand in Jan. I realize it's not much for this Christmas season but it would thrill my soul to bring you back a Nativity set from Thailand. :) Can you please let me bless you with one? I'll need your mailing address. Email it to me if you don't mind!

Blessings and Merry Christmas~
Melissa (

Shannon West said...

no nativity? 135 cards? we don't have lights outside either (I tried to place each of the 3 trees near front windows so we would sorta glow)

Anonymous said...

I haven't posted anything since Tuesday, so you just gave me something to write about! Thanks.

mommy zabs said...

Oh i want outside lights so bad. we are at 5 years so maybe it will actually happen in 3!

Jennifer H. said...

Fun! I am glad you enjoy the book. I bought it for K, too. She really enjoys it. It may be Monday before I have time to post on my blog!

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Thanks for the tag!

We don't have a nativity set either and I feel very sad about that.

Lori ~ The Simple Life at Home said...

Oh, I am so glad you did it!! I loved reading about your Christmas-y life. Can you clue me in about what is Elf on the Shelf? I've never heard of it before.

Kimmy said...

Hi, Stacey. I need to do this HOOPLA soon, I know. Hopefully I'll get to it next week. However, I'm totally in sync with you on almost everything you wrote about. I knew there was a reason we're friends.
Have a great weekend,

Martie said...


Thank you for tagging me!

Do you have a membership to Sam's Club? We bought our nativity there years ago, and it is so, so nice. We love it! I check yearly, and they always have similar ones.


Anonymous said...

We are so much alike! If we lived closer, we'd so brave the After-Christmas crowd together!

We started Elf on a Shelf this year, though Woggie has no clue. I'm thinking we'll start the 3 gifts as well, too, but I'm not sure how to explain why other kids get more?

I saw a beautiful nativity the other day... it's Jim Shore's newest one. I have his origninal one and I love it! If I can find a pic online, I'll email it!