Thursday, August 28, 2008


This is not what I had planned to post today.

And no, I am not pregnant.

But many women across this country are pregnant at this very minute.

Before I hit the "publish" button for this post, many of those women will no longer be pregnant.

And not for all of the wonderful reasons you might be imagining.

This is NOT a judgement about why these women are choosing to no longer be pregnant, and it is NOT a judgement about the heart-breaking decision they have probably anguished over.

This IS a judgement about the man who, tonight, will once again put many in this country under his "hope" spell.

I wasn't even going to say this much. When I read Elizabeth's post last night, after sending her some encouragement via my comment, I was simply going to ask you to go read her post and watch the video.

I, like her, know those who have decided to let go of their pro-life stance, in order to support a man they feel that can make some social changes in the other areas they are passionate about.

While I fervently do not agree, I have listened to their views and am trying to respect their opinions as such.

Since last night, Elizabeth has added several updates to the original post.

I HIGHLY encourage you to link over to read her entire post AND watch the videos she has included AND read the running discussions in the comments.

Maybe it is a cop out as far as not talking about this anymore here, but Elizabeth's expressions of belief and feelings truly represent where I am with all this right now. She is both eloquent and passionate.

Why reinvent the wheel with any thoughts I might try to stumble over here.

Go to MommyZabs for the post.



mamashine said...

Thanks for posting this. The comments have good discussion in them as well.

Someone Being Me said...

Thanks for posting that Stacey. I had heard about the video but hadn't actually seen it. I posted about her blog post on my blog as well.

Anonymous said...

I'm not thrilled with either of the candidates this year, but I am strongly convicted that as Christians we have an obligation to stand up for the helpless, the fatherless, those without a voice. This is "true religion" in the eyes of God.
I am so disappointed when people who ought to know better find other issues to be equally or more weighty than LIFE itself. Shame on all of us.

In this case, being a "one issue" voter is one thing we don't have to apologize for. Joel Belz had a wonderful editorial on this very thing about a month or so ago in World magazine if you haven't read it - -

Kudos on the post.

gail said...

Stacey, you are right on. I am so excited about John McCain's pick today. I believe there is a new hope for America.

Anonymous said...

You know "spell" was exactly what I was thinking as I watched the faces of the audience during his speech. And it was a kick-butt speech. I'll give him that.