Wednesday, January 2, 2008

No really, just one more thing....

I promised Megan and Christy I would tell everyone about this great idea they had! I already spoke of it before here, but wanted to mention them again because, well, it involves free stuff to help you bling out your blog!!

So be sure to head over this week. The contest runs until January 6th and winners are announced the next day!

I will be one of them, of course! :)

I will keep the link over on my sidebar to remind you!

Tell your friends!



Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming to visit my blog today! I really enjoyed browsing tonight... and I love your header and definition. Beautiful.

I also love your 2008 resolutions... I did make a comment, but I had to say again, that was very inspiring!

Good to "meet" you!

Melissa said...

Stacey, Are you still considering changing over to another blog? I tried Wordpress but it was not as user friendly as blogger was to me. I couldn't ever get my blog to show up as it should. I finally figured it was because I use a mac? anyway- let us know if you decide to change... :)

take care!