Friday, May 4, 2007

The rhythm is gonna get ya, rhythm is gonna get ya...

a heart attack!

Let me state up front, with complete honesty, and without hesitation that I have never been what you might call a runner. We all know them, I am just not one of them. It just gives me horrible junior high flashbacks of basketball practice. The running around the gym non-stop for 20 minutes like hamsters in a cage. Not to mention the bleacher jumpsquats and the wall sits!! Partner that with bad hair and bad skin and you have got yourself a trip to therapy!!

Give me a good aerobics class or a little Billy Blanks any day!

So while enjoying casual conversation with my girls over coffee 2 weeks ago, Jen mentioned how she was going to start running and had already been fitted for her new shoes. And me being all healthy these days while drinking my pomegranate tea to wash down the remains of my Wendy's "chicken" sandwich that I had eaten in the car said, "Hey, email me that info.".

My brain must be in wheatgerm and flax seed overload as I have been dumping it into my family's meals the last few weeks because I.AM.NUTS! My dietary quest for health has somehow invaded my previous logic that I have no business running.

Nevertheless, I am. Started the Couch to 5K 2 Friday nights ago. I mean really, how hard could it be. You only "run" 3 days a week and the first week only consists of a brisk 5 minute walk to warm up followed by alternating between 60 seconds of running and 90 seconds of walking for 20 minutes. Heck, the runner's high was so good I decided to go for Day 2! After upgrading myself from the Barbie 12 Dancing Princesses Chime Watch to a fancy pink $7.97 number with a stopwatch feature from Wal-Mart and adding some shoe inserts, I was set.

There is oxygen going to muscles I didn't even remember I had! And of course, my feet and shins are a little sensitive right now. Even my shoulders and arms are sore because I am trying to get an extra arm workout in during the walking portion.

On top of wanting to impress my "runner" friends, I just found out we got our Galveston trip confirmed. Our 3 day, 2 night, lodging-free, on-the-beach because Curtis & I listened to a 45-minute presentation trip! With kids, you can't beat anything free!! We had a 4-day cruise as well but couldn't make it worth into our schedule before the deadline- oh well!!

Soooooooo, bathing suit drama (or trauma) is looming as well!!! That means I better add sit-ups and push-ups to my off days.

Off the exercise!!

1 comment:

Jennifer H. said...

Good job! I am proud of you! I am dreading my first week 2 run tomorrow morning. Especially since I ate junk all weekend! Thanks for my e-card. It was hysterical! And I love the "list" you emailed! So true!!