She finally lost one while we were sitting in church. It was so loose that it simply fell out in her mouth and didn't even bleed! We were both a little shocked!
The other one lingered a bit longer.
She was watching TV and said she was twisting on it when it popped out!
She was actually thrilled.
The progression....
A cute girl with 2 top front teeth that are very loose!
A cute girl with 1 lost tooth and a very snaggly other one!
A cute girl who needs 2 top front teeth for Christmas!
The new teeth are already peeking through, so she might just get her teeth for Christmas after all!!
what good timing!
Katie lost a side tooth last week, and Anna has her two front bottom teeth coming in behind the baby teeth (Katie's did that too - we lovingly refer to them 'shark teeth')... Bethany and I both had dental checkups last week, and with all the loose tooth talk in our house right now, she was a little afraid to go b/c she thought he would take out her teeth too!
She is too cute! And she totally looks just like you.
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