Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Walk the Plank

It was a nice day last week, so I made the kids get out of the house.

And out of my hair!

I like to leave the back door open so I can hear them and enjoy the fresh air.

As I was in and out cleaning, I noticed this scene developing in the back yard. The pictures aren't great because I was trying to be discrete. Until I got caught!

They like to take an old blanket outside and make a tent over the picnic table. Awhile back, one of the benches broke off the table. As you can see, between the table, bench, and the his baseball tee, they just let their imaginations take over!

Their discussion during the "adventure" (as we like to call things around here!) was quite entertaining, but today, I will let the pictures do most of the talking!

He was not so confident in his creation!


Taking the low road!

Cue methodical laughing from brother!

Sister challening brother to do any better!


The look I live with!



Anonymous said...

Whew! After all that, I think I need a nap!

kel said...

How fun.

Melissa in Mel's World said...

THOSE ARE FABULOUS pictures of the kids...I felt like I went on the adventure with them!

(Your kids are too stinkin cute, by the way!)