Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Because I want you to know the real me!

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

Whatever happened to the days when people would wear the same clothes several days in a row? Really! I say we revitalize that tradition!

It is not that I LOVE keeping up the house and all, but I LEAST LOVE household duties that involve too many steps to be completed. Grocery shopping and what I will present to you today as Exhibit L.

For Laundry.

Seriously, I should have taken pics of my piles of laundry prior to going through the "process". You know. Gather. Sort. Wash. Dry. Fold. Put away. Iron. Repeat. However, I am going to share with you what haunts me EVERY.SINGLE.DAY!

Not only do you see my two ironing piles, but I threw in a few towels and rugs to be folded just for good measure!

Shirt pile

Pants/shorts/dresses pile

I can get the other parts done in some kind of timely manner, but ironing, well here is the irony of it all.

I LOVE ironed clothes. It just makes me feel put together. And yes, I know about the stuff you can spray on clothes. I know about running them on the fluff cycle and then catching them fresh from the dryer. But honestly, I just don't do it. And if I used that method, our clothes would all be too small in about two laundry cycles!

And because I am a pile-maker/organizer, of course, separating them into respectable piles makes me feel like I have accomplished something. Some days I will even "straighten" the piles and consider it a good day! Curtis has resigned himself to ironing his 5 outfits for the week on Sunday. I basically live on the edge day to day.

About once a month, I will muster enough energy to just go for it. I spend several hours at least getting his pants, shorts, and shirts all ironed. Of course, by that time, I am too worn out to get to mine.

Well, it has been awhile, but since I know myself, the best I can do is promise to have it tackled by next Tuesday!

I do keep the room clean and neat otherwise.

I really have just come to appreciate my two piles as wonderful accent pieces!


p.s. you are in for a real treat with next week's tackle!


Jennifer said...

Ugh - I don't believe in ironing! I only iron when it's absolutely necessary! It is the one chore I LOATHE - I'd rather clean toilets! Thankfully, hubby's uniform is perma press, and doesn't need it. And only very few other things actually do. I avoid it like the plague! Your pile makes me twitch! Of course, I'm sure my before pictures today would make MANY people twitch! I can handle piles of stuff falling on my head - but not ironing! LOL! Good luck in tackling that!
Have a wonderful day!

Jennifer said...

I feel your pain. I iron everything in our house- well, except underwear and linens. For some reason I can't do the fluff thing or even the spray. I just need it nice and crisp. I guess in my head, it's a reflection of me as a mom...you know, if my kids look nice and put together then that says something about ME. Well, I need to get over it but I can't. I have a never ending iron pile as well.

Barbara H. said...

I have a few things that need to be ironed, but I can't imagine ironing all of that every laundering. I'm of the "if you hang it up right when it gets done from the dryer, it's fine" persuasion for most things. I don't understand how that would make clothes too small??

I used to meticulously iron my sons' khaki pants and button-up shirts until I realized that after they'd had them on for five minutes, they look just like they did when they got out of the dryer, anyway.

Happy Tackling!

Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

Anonymous said...

Oldest dd is doing my ironing for me today!! What a Blessing considering everything I had going on today.

My TT is up: Tackle it Tuesday

Jenna said...

I hate, HATE to iron. It was my job when I was growing up and I had to even iron my dad's work shirts (he was a farmer!). I don't buy clothes if I know that they will require ironing. Fluffing in the dryer is the way to go. I LOVE the spray!! If something really needs ironing then I send it to the cleaners. Have I mentioned how much I hate ironing?

Karen said...

I only iron in months where there are 32 days. Oh wait...that's never! I hate ironing!

But more power to you!!! If it works for you, keep it up!! Tackle away!

Jennifer H. said...

You've got nothing on my pile! I can't see my formal couch right now. The clothes are all clean, but I prefer to use the couch as my closet! Seriously, I don't think I can fit all of those clothes in my closet, so I just come downstairs to get dressed!

Judi said...

hi. im new to tackle it tuesday. i am always amazed at people who iron everything. i onlyviron on sunday morning before church :)

kel said...

I am so not a good ironer. I hate it hate it. I am famous for spraying that stuff on it and calling it good.