Saturday, June 16, 2007


I just started Week 5, Day 1 of my 5K training. Seems so silly to think of myself as "in training"! The weeks before have been tolerable, even with my inconsistent schedule. This week is:

5 min brisk walk
3 min run
90 sec walk
5 min run
2.5 min walk
3 min run
90 sec walk
5 min run

All I can say is....I did it! It wasn't horrible, but I could tell I was really stretching myself. I actually spent the running parts praying which remarkably (or maybe not if I really think about it) made the running seem relatively easy. God might actually appreciate me running every day if it means me finding some time for Him. My running gang and I are looking into several races to do in the fall and are excited about this new adventure.

Out of breath also explains this hectic week of evening VBS. It was a really good one, but dealing with the kids after 9 pm for bedtime got old. VBS + PMS = a very tired MRS.

Luke is an only child this weekend for the first time, at least that he will have a memory of. I met my sister 1/2 way so Anysa could spend the weekend with them. She and her cousin have an intense love/not so much love relationship and had been missing each other. She will be watching her cousin in her dance recital tonight and then we will meet to pick her up on Sunday.

And finally, 2 girlfriends and I will be spending the evening with our friends Kenny and Sugarland. We will be sure to say hi for you!


1 comment:

Jennifer H. said...

I can't wait for our first race! And you have to right about our Kenny experience! It was great!