Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Nothing says Easter like snow flurries and egg rolls!

Sorry, no blooming tulips and freshly baked ham for us! Actually, we had an enjoyable weekend. The in-laws were here Thursday evening through Saturday afternoon and came bearing gifts which of course expected by our daughter. I mean, doesn't every month have a gift-receiving occasion for the children in your home. Already at this point in her young 5 years, she is having to really work on receiving graciously without expecting it and being ok when she doesn't get things she wants.

The men tried to get in a round of golf early Friday morning, but between the chilly temps and every other man in DFW trying to do the same, they actually came home early. At the same time, the women and children attempted a shopping trip for some picture outfits for Anysa as well as any other good buys we could find. Luke had a major meltdown pretty quick in the store which required a trip to the bathroom and some intense consideration on his part as to which choice mommy offered would be in his best interest. He pulled through and we finished up by picking up Chick-Fil-La on the way home.

The girls escaped later for more shopping and Anysa's pictures. She continued her tradition of creating more great pics than Mommy can decide on. You know with her once winning "Little Miss Photogenic" in a pageant at 18 months, Mommy has never quite let go of the "one day my little girl will be discovered for modeling and cover shoots while we are doing our weekly shopping at Wal-Mart" dream.

We had chilly weather and snow flurries on Saturday. It is a wonder the Easter Bunny could even make it to our house by the blinding blizzard. Ok, so nothing really ever stuck once hitting the ground. I think the kids were pleased with Easter baskets this year, even with minimal candy and more about trinkets and toys. Besides, the egg hunt was coming up that evening.

With the house low on groceries and my husband's aversion to the mention of left-overs, it didn't take much convincing by my daughter for us to eat at a restaurant. Seeing as how her favorite mexican restaurant is owned by good, devout Catholics who know what the day is really about, we had to settle on our other newest favorite...the Chinese buffet across from the church. It is actually really good and really reasonably priced. Of course, that is where the sugar-high started for the kids for the day with sprite and ice cream. (I have actually been working really hard the last few weeks to change our diets and the kids' idea of good meals and snacks, so high-fructose sugar-laden foods haven't been in abundance at our house lately- more on that later in a post I have been pondering!). We did manage naps for the kids before the egg hunt and family (indoor) picnic. It was there the kids managed to gorge themselves in some way inferring that we don't ever feed them! They did manage to stop eating for a few minutes to race around with the other kids finding all the eggs the daddies had hidden. I don't this for sure, but mine may have actually won the "most eggs" contest that wasn't! Between the two, they collected 29!

The weekend went well and ended well. Hopefully, somewhere along the way we managed to remember the real importance of the day and made God proud in some small way!

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