Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Tackle It Tuesday Meme


While I have continued this past week to read about you, link to you, comment for you, and be blessed by you, I have not really found the upf to share with you. Not for lack of trying. I have about 6 stories all sitting around waiting to be finished. And about 10 more in my head! In the end, I just couldn't keep my thoughts straight and other things were either more important or just in the way.

So today, I have decided the best, and really only, thing to do is to tackle myself.

I will be tackling myself today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, forever.

I have a feeling you understand exactly what I mean.

Be patient with me. I hope to have new stories to share with you in the next few days.

Just because my train gets derailed, doesn't mean my kids and my life stop providing me with great material :)

Happy Tackling!

p.s. I would take a "before" picture, but pathetic doesn't photograph very well!


Unknown said...

Sometimes tackling yourself is the most important of all. :)

My Tackle It Tuesday is up ... come see!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I'm always feel like I'm stuck some where.
My TT is up.

Jenna said...

I understand exactly what you mean.

Wendy said...

You're right, I know exactly what you mean. Good luck with that tackle. ;)

Diann McDuffie said...

Hang in there chick--I'm praying that you'll be feeling better soon.