Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Whose your turkey mama, now?!!

Apparently, I forgot that when you are pregnant, you can have a tendency to forget.

Which appeared to be the case when I signed my dtr and myself up for the annual Turkey Trot at her school.

It involved running a race with your child against other children and their parents.

Apparently, I forgot that I would still be pregnant!

But let me just tell you that 4-month pregnant girl can run!

She can't win, but she can run!

Out of the whole 1st grade, only 6 girls were signed up. My competitors included 4 men and 1 nice grandmother.

I felt good that I might at least have 5th place wrapped up.

The girls ran 400, then the parents finished the last 400.

I pulled through the finish line in 4th place, narrowly missing 3rd as my legs weakened and a guy edged past me at the last minute.

Which bums me because my dtr actually won her part, leading the girls' pack as they tagged their parents!

She rocks!

And today, I will be soaking in rock salts!



Jennifer H. said...

You go, girl! Too funny.

Mandy said...

Good for you!!! I'm proud of you!