Monday, January 25, 2010

Super 8

Hi Everyone!

Being 8 months old is super fun! Mommy would have stopped in sooner to tell you all about my last month, but I have been keeping her suuuuper busy!

Where do I start???

Christmas was FUN! Everyone got me presents and took lots of pictures of me. I loved all my presents, but I think I liked playing with the tissue paper the best!

I visited Oklahoma again. There was some white stuff on the ground, but I stayed nice and warm inside.

Eating is getting better and better! I still love oatmeal, applesauce, sweet potatoes, and avocados. I also love sweet peas, green beans, and carrots, especially if Mommy cooks them and lets me squoosh them into my mouth all by myself! I like doing things for myself, so Mommy gives me these yummy rice wafers that I can eat on my own. Mommy likes that they are not messy!

While I am a mostly happy baby, I thought you might want to know that I am not perfect! In case, you were wondering!! I am almost never happy about having my face washed, when you change my shirt over my head, or when you wait too long to feed me.

Lately, I have been cranky because my gums hurt. No teeth yet, but Mommy thinks my gums are looking prime for eruption!

Have I ever mentioned that my favorite song is The Itsy Bitsy Spider? Since early on, that song always makes me stop, look, and listen. If I am wiggling or fussy, they always start singing it to me and I stop to listen.

I love to crawl up to things and stand up. A few of my favorite spots are the game table, the couch, the fireplace, the stairs, and any drawer in any room.

I got a fun table for Christmas and I like to stand at it and bang, bang, bang!

I have tried cruising a few times, but I am still much better at standing, then sitting, then standing back up again.

I can push my booty in the air and look like an animal. Sometimes, I can even squat.

I scared Mommy around Christmas time! She sat me down to play with my toy on the kitchen floor while she did something at the kitchen cabinet. When she turned around, I was standing there with my hands up and my eyes wide! I quickly sat down though, her squealing scared me!

Speaking of squealing, Daddy swears that I squeal the loudest of them all! I like to squeal, talk, and laugh. My laugh sounds sorta like a dolphin! I say lots of things, like dadadada, babababa, uh, ptptptpt. If I am in a good mood, I will play the "uh" game with you. You say it, I say it, and so forth!

I am a pretty sneaky explorer! Some of my favorite places are the fireplace, the TV stand, the game table, the kids' buckets, Daddy's chair and side table, and Mommy's bathroom drawers. Toys are ok, but I would much rather play with cords, curtains, magazines, picture frames, books, and anything else that looks like it doesn't belong to me!

I had my first real cold a few weeks ago. It wasn't fun for anybody.

I now weigh 20 pounds....well, 19 pounds and 15 ounces to be exact!

Until next month....



Wearing big brother's 1st Christmas pjs!  Less belly fat this time around!

Going in for the kill!

You are going down, man!

Fun wears a baby out!

Something about this look makes Mommy nervous for the future!

My favorite thing to do-stand!

Just hilarious!

Tissue paper rocks!

Discovering the back door window.

Yummy peas!


So proud of himself!


Jennifer said...

I love how you do these posts - they always make me smile. And I imagine it coming from his little voice! Again...he's so adorable!

Mandy said...

Awwww!!! He is sooo cute!!! Can't believe how fast he is growing!

Anonymous said...

So cute! I cannot believe how much he's grown. And I cannot believe that I still have his gift sitting next to the bed.

So, you probably want to send me your address so I can send it sometime before he starts school.
