After the picture posts early last week, I got a sudden case of burn-out. Jennifer's comment made me laugh when she indicated how long it must have taken me to do all that. Well, it did indeed take a long time thus rendering me blogless for the remaining week!
This past weekend, I got to do something I love to do!
I got to go organize and clean someone else's house, which included being bossy! Others might have another name for it, but the results were worth it!
My sister and bil have spent the last months/year working on their house, including major indoor renovation to create more living/sleeping space as they prepare for my new niece in September. He works out of town a lot which has made the process harder and longer. Most of the construction is now finished, which meant they could start putting their house back together!
We went for a long weekend under the guise of my nephew's birthday party, but I made sure to include extra time and extra able bodies so we could help them out.
I am sure everyone is exhausted this morning, but we can feel good knowing a lot was accomplished and their load was decreased. Furniture was moved, shelves were installed, laundry was done, surfaces were cleaned, and most important, the baby's room was set up. It is so sweet and I am kicking myself for not taking a picture!
And I sure the hometown crowd will pitch in some more to help finish the leftover jobs! Hint, Hint! My whip is long, so I am sure I could crack it from out of state!
To prove that I let the crew take a break for a few hours and have some fun, here are a few pics of the party!
(I am so proud that L actually jumped off the diving board!)
(The Boys!)
(My girl jumping one of many times!)
(My niece got in on the action too!)
(A discovered diving and loved it! I can't count how many times she did it!)
(btw, if you did not pay a little homage to Air Supply after getting sucked in by my title, then you will now because I said so!)
I am sure your whip cracking was much appreciated!
I've been cracking the whip around here, too! I'm sure I might've heard that other term you're referring to.
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