Just a quickie-
You might want to say a prayer for my son. He might not make it through the day....
So far, he has cleaned my coffee table with spray starch and water, cleaned out the linen closet to create a nice hiding spot, cleaned his hands with enough antibacterial lotion for every child on a busy day at Chucky Cheese, and cleaned his carpet with most of the wipees from his wipey box.
Yes, I know what you are thinking...I am raising a nice young man whose future wife will appreciate all his cleanliness. But for now, a 2 1/2 year old boy's version of clean (all before 9am) may cause his mother to clean out her liquor cabinet... or maybe just cause her to make another pot of coffee!
Monday, February 26, 2007
I didn't start out watching Grey's Anatomy. I caught a piece of an episode now and then since the first season. I had vowed to not add another tv show to my schedule and have actually spent the past two years cutting down on my brain-numbing viewing pleasures. I stayed with a few favorites and had a few guilty pleasures from time to time, but otherwise, as much as Grey's looked good I just couldn't do it.
I am not sure when it happened, but I finally got smart! I ended up watching a few episodes in succession and was hooked. And since I am a Netflix lover, I quickly worked my way from the beginning as I stayed tuned to each episode this past fall.
I don't ask for much really. I cook, I clean, I do laundry, I change diapers, I entertain, I chauffer, I work, you know the rest. All I really ask is for a little alone time with McDreamy and the rest of my friends from 8-9pm on Thursday nights. Is that really too much to ask? Apparently so!
McMommy is about to have a toddler-sized meltdown if McHubby and McChildren don't get start avoiding the family room at all costs starting tomorrow night. I just want to say, "Step away quietly yet quickly before someone gets hurt here!". It is like me and the family room are some big McMagnet at about 7:58pm. Even though all is well before that-children playing pleasantly in their rooms or upstairs, husband off somewhere in the house-something in the universe changes at that time. Seriously, it is like that mommy/telephone problem we have. All is quiet and happy, the phone rings, mommy answers, it's mommy's friend or possibly the pest control service or if I am really lucky then I am just about to win an all-expense paid vacation if all I do is let some guy come clean that uncleanable spot on the carpet (it will only take 1 hour, i mean 15 minutes). You know the problem. That is when the fighting, crying, begging, tugging, pulling starts.
Sorry, I diverted from the real problem at hand. Anyway, back to 7:58-9pm. Here is a small window for you:
I am not sure when it happened, but I finally got smart! I ended up watching a few episodes in succession and was hooked. And since I am a Netflix lover, I quickly worked my way from the beginning as I stayed tuned to each episode this past fall.
I don't ask for much really. I cook, I clean, I do laundry, I change diapers, I entertain, I chauffer, I work, you know the rest. All I really ask is for a little alone time with McDreamy and the rest of my friends from 8-9pm on Thursday nights. Is that really too much to ask? Apparently so!
McMommy is about to have a toddler-sized meltdown if McHubby and McChildren don't get start avoiding the family room at all costs starting tomorrow night. I just want to say, "Step away quietly yet quickly before someone gets hurt here!". It is like me and the family room are some big McMagnet at about 7:58pm. Even though all is well before that-children playing pleasantly in their rooms or upstairs, husband off somewhere in the house-something in the universe changes at that time. Seriously, it is like that mommy/telephone problem we have. All is quiet and happy, the phone rings, mommy answers, it's mommy's friend or possibly the pest control service or if I am really lucky then I am just about to win an all-expense paid vacation if all I do is let some guy come clean that uncleanable spot on the carpet (it will only take 1 hour, i mean 15 minutes). You know the problem. That is when the fighting, crying, begging, tugging, pulling starts.
Sorry, I diverted from the real problem at hand. Anyway, back to 7:58-9pm. Here is a small window for you:
- daughter- Can I please have my very last snack? I promise. I am really still hungry. (10 minutes after dinner, of course)
- son- I wont (want) to watch Whitnenmckeen (Lighting McQueen). Pleasssssssssssssssssse.
- husband- Strangely, no where to be found.
- the next hour is then filled with playing, jumping, singing, truck noises, you name it.
- husband comes to take kids upstairs followed by wailing for mommy by children.
In the end, I am sharing McDreamy with my daughter (who at 5 is of course asking why there is blood) and my son (who at 2 1/2 keeps telling me they are sick) and my husband- no wait, he disappeared again.
Maybe this week will be different!
p.s. for anyone concerned that about me "letting" my kids watch with me. i do have the remote handy for those times when it is wise to click over for a minute to some channel doing dog tricks or something.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Party Time
Check out The Ultimate Blog Party (see banner link below) that runs March 2-9th! I am excited for several reasons-
- It means learning about some great people and getting to know them better. Note- I have learned that there is this incredible network of women out there offering support, humor, advice, prayers. What I love is that so many are Christian women!
- It means PRIZES- anyone that posts about the party during that week and signs up using the Mr. Linky on 5minutesformom website is eligible to win. Disclaimer- I am very green about all this blogging stuff, so please be sure to read the details on their website in regards to signing up, posting, winning, etc.
- It means lots of potential new visitors to both my blog (that is if I ever let any of my friends know about it!) and my website (selfish maybe, but a girl has to advertise!)
More later! Enjoy your day!
Monday, February 19, 2007
The Initiation
Well, here I am blogger world! I am actually terrified of this! For the past month, I have been hiding out in other women's blogs; jumping, linking, reading, laughing, sharing. I am in awe of their ability to write what I am thinking and feeling...and share it so poignantly as to tug at my heart (or my bladder the many times I have gut-laughed out loud). I have been inspired to see what I can do with this blogging thing. Not that I have time, but then again what mom does. I even tested the waters last week by sharing myself via a story for the ladies' monthly newsletter at my church. The reviews were encouraging, but I must say the kuddos go to the other blogging women that have allowed me to be a "fly" on their blog for the past month and learn well how to tell a story. Too many great ones to mention just yet, but I will start with Big Mama since she was my first blog addiction. She rocks and if you go to her blog site, have your coffee or coke or whatever your caffeine addiction is ready. You will want to go back and back and back until you have read every last funny story!
Just to see if I can make it at this, I will share my story from the newsletter. Comment kindly...it is my first time!
Quakes, Caps, and Revelations
My life feels like a bladder-oops, I mean blender (no snorting in church Sheri)-so I am late with my article and quickly typing something, anything! If you are a parent, then none of this will probably be news to you. If I am lucky, I might even manage to make it have therapeutic value. If nothing else, you get to peer into my life and chuckle-with me, at me!
Choose your battles wisely, especially when it comes to your kids. That is what I have had to do at home and what I talk about with some of my families that have to deal with their child’s low tolerance for anything different or new. For my families, the battle will quickly turn into a war and the child does not care where the war takes place. Public venues are of course the favorite of most children-these locations seem to move odds to their favor! Let’s talk about a few battles.
Quakes-a favorite shopping snack for my kids. Yours may be different but you know what I am talking about and what it means for your shopping experience. I really try not to take the kids to the store with me and when I do, it needs to be a trip with purpose and efficiency-no trying on shoes or catching up on People in the book section while waiting for your pictures to develop. A long time ago, pre-parenthood, I heard a course lecturer talk about preventing meltdowns in the store; about preparing the kids with a toy, activity, or snack (all can be from home and not necessarily anything new from the store) before you start the store adventure. I buried that advice in my brain, but quickly found it once toddler hood hit, now twofold! Aisle 13-that is our first stop and one my daughter can recognize despite the speed of my cart. Quakes; mini rice cakes that are actually yummy and don’t cause you feel like you have gravel in your mouth, preferably ranch but cheddar will do, a small bag (for fear that once they add liquid their tummies will swell up and explode!), shared by both siblings. Note-never forget the diaper bag even on the “just a few things” trips; 20 yellow, sticky, licked-but-not-clean fingers only means one more stop by the wipey aisle. Maybe you call it indulgence or bribery or whatever. I call it a well-behaved trip (ok, maybe you might have seen us a few times at the store and witnessed the “who will hold the bag” cat fight in the cart.) with kids that participate in the event and don’t hinder the process. And might just get you down the shoe aisle, too!!!
Caps-stocking that is. I have a precious new client; almost 3, always with a cute bow in her hair, most often in a dress and tights, polite, smiles at you. Should you see her at the mall with mom, you probably would never know she was participating in therapy because she gets anxious around other children, prefers to play alone, has language delays, has a hard time negotiating her body in her environments, hates to get messy, and takes at least 2 hours to fall asleep for naps and night time often sleeping in her clothes, shoes, and yes, sometimes a stocking cap. I asked mom the other day if that was ok with her that her daughter slept like that. I wasn’t looking for the right answer; I just wanted to get a sense of how mom was feeling about things. As I expected, she was ok with all of the sleep needs but just really wanted sleep to occur without the battle. Don’t we all? All that reminded me of the secret battles we have with our kids where they typically win in the privacy of our own home. You know the ones…where it goes against all the “how to” books as far as kids are concerned, but by golly you do it anyway because you are tired, need sleep, want a little peace and quiet (never heard that before have ya?!), or as my daughter exclaimed the other day…”you are killing me.” (in reference to one of my exasperated blubberings during one battle.) Ok, maybe you don’t let them win all the time but you still know what I am talking about. Wow, look at the time… I need to hurry and finish this article before my kids need another cheese and butter sandwich for breakfast…or was that potato chips?
Revelations-not like the end time, just the end of your dignity. A dear friend told me the other day about the amusement she incurred (at my expense) as my daughter led the other children in a make-believe activity at her house. Yes, the kind where it all seems like innocent make-believe at first then all of a sudden…wham!-YOU are revealed through your child and in front of other adults no less and you have no ability to intervene and feign silly childish pretend since you are not even there! In this case, my daughter had the privilege of playing me in the reenactment we will call, “GET IN YOUR SEAT RIGHT NOW AND I BETTER NOT HAVE TO TELL YOU AGAIN.” And let’s not pretend here that the all-cap letters is a typo- you know what that means-there might have been yelling involved.
What does all the above have anything to do with what typically shows up in my articles? Yes, I am a therapist and yes, I work with children and parents and yes, I am an every-day parent who is still figuring it out along the way, too. You see sometimes my “tools” that I advise work for me as well and sometimes they don’t. Next time, I will find you a nice professional article on good tools for your parenting toolbox!
Just to see if I can make it at this, I will share my story from the newsletter. Comment kindly...it is my first time!
Quakes, Caps, and Revelations
My life feels like a bladder-oops, I mean blender (no snorting in church Sheri)-so I am late with my article and quickly typing something, anything! If you are a parent, then none of this will probably be news to you. If I am lucky, I might even manage to make it have therapeutic value. If nothing else, you get to peer into my life and chuckle-with me, at me!
Choose your battles wisely, especially when it comes to your kids. That is what I have had to do at home and what I talk about with some of my families that have to deal with their child’s low tolerance for anything different or new. For my families, the battle will quickly turn into a war and the child does not care where the war takes place. Public venues are of course the favorite of most children-these locations seem to move odds to their favor! Let’s talk about a few battles.
Quakes-a favorite shopping snack for my kids. Yours may be different but you know what I am talking about and what it means for your shopping experience. I really try not to take the kids to the store with me and when I do, it needs to be a trip with purpose and efficiency-no trying on shoes or catching up on People in the book section while waiting for your pictures to develop. A long time ago, pre-parenthood, I heard a course lecturer talk about preventing meltdowns in the store; about preparing the kids with a toy, activity, or snack (all can be from home and not necessarily anything new from the store) before you start the store adventure. I buried that advice in my brain, but quickly found it once toddler hood hit, now twofold! Aisle 13-that is our first stop and one my daughter can recognize despite the speed of my cart. Quakes; mini rice cakes that are actually yummy and don’t cause you feel like you have gravel in your mouth, preferably ranch but cheddar will do, a small bag (for fear that once they add liquid their tummies will swell up and explode!), shared by both siblings. Note-never forget the diaper bag even on the “just a few things” trips; 20 yellow, sticky, licked-but-not-clean fingers only means one more stop by the wipey aisle. Maybe you call it indulgence or bribery or whatever. I call it a well-behaved trip (ok, maybe you might have seen us a few times at the store and witnessed the “who will hold the bag” cat fight in the cart.) with kids that participate in the event and don’t hinder the process. And might just get you down the shoe aisle, too!!!
Caps-stocking that is. I have a precious new client; almost 3, always with a cute bow in her hair, most often in a dress and tights, polite, smiles at you. Should you see her at the mall with mom, you probably would never know she was participating in therapy because she gets anxious around other children, prefers to play alone, has language delays, has a hard time negotiating her body in her environments, hates to get messy, and takes at least 2 hours to fall asleep for naps and night time often sleeping in her clothes, shoes, and yes, sometimes a stocking cap. I asked mom the other day if that was ok with her that her daughter slept like that. I wasn’t looking for the right answer; I just wanted to get a sense of how mom was feeling about things. As I expected, she was ok with all of the sleep needs but just really wanted sleep to occur without the battle. Don’t we all? All that reminded me of the secret battles we have with our kids where they typically win in the privacy of our own home. You know the ones…where it goes against all the “how to” books as far as kids are concerned, but by golly you do it anyway because you are tired, need sleep, want a little peace and quiet (never heard that before have ya?!), or as my daughter exclaimed the other day…”you are killing me.” (in reference to one of my exasperated blubberings during one battle.) Ok, maybe you don’t let them win all the time but you still know what I am talking about. Wow, look at the time… I need to hurry and finish this article before my kids need another cheese and butter sandwich for breakfast…or was that potato chips?
Revelations-not like the end time, just the end of your dignity. A dear friend told me the other day about the amusement she incurred (at my expense) as my daughter led the other children in a make-believe activity at her house. Yes, the kind where it all seems like innocent make-believe at first then all of a sudden…wham!-YOU are revealed through your child and in front of other adults no less and you have no ability to intervene and feign silly childish pretend since you are not even there! In this case, my daughter had the privilege of playing me in the reenactment we will call, “GET IN YOUR SEAT RIGHT NOW AND I BETTER NOT HAVE TO TELL YOU AGAIN.” And let’s not pretend here that the all-cap letters is a typo- you know what that means-there might have been yelling involved.
What does all the above have anything to do with what typically shows up in my articles? Yes, I am a therapist and yes, I work with children and parents and yes, I am an every-day parent who is still figuring it out along the way, too. You see sometimes my “tools” that I advise work for me as well and sometimes they don’t. Next time, I will find you a nice professional article on good tools for your parenting toolbox!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Places I Visit
A Chelsea Morning
Angela's Daily Struggle
Antique Mommy
Baby Bangs
Big Mama
Chronicles of a Night Owl
Fruitful Vines
Green Bean
Jennifer O
Joy in the Journey
Looking Towards Heaven
Lots of Scotts
Mamma's on a Playdate
Rocks in the Dryer
Simple Life at Home
Smockity Frocks
Sorta Crunchy
Sugar Photography
The Big Yellow House
The Diaper Diaries
The Lazy Organizer
The Pioneer Woman
The Wilson Six
The Wooden Porch
Will Blog for Shoes
A Chelsea Morning
Angela's Daily Struggle
Antique Mommy
Baby Bangs
Big Mama
Chronicles of a Night Owl
Fruitful Vines
Green Bean
Jennifer O
Joy in the Journey
Looking Towards Heaven
Lots of Scotts
Mamma's on a Playdate
Rocks in the Dryer
Simple Life at Home
Smockity Frocks
Sorta Crunchy
Sugar Photography
The Big Yellow House
The Diaper Diaries
The Lazy Organizer
The Pioneer Woman
The Wilson Six
The Wooden Porch
Will Blog for Shoes
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Menu Plan Shopping
Week 1 Shopping List
Mozzarella Cheese
Ground Beef
Chicken Breasts 2
Tilapia or other fish
Potatoes 3
Baby Carrots
Lettuce/Salad mix
Cherry Tomatoes
Dry Goods
Spaghetti noodles
Velveeta cheese
Chicken broth
Crm mushroom soup
Stovetop stuffing
Garlic Bread
Veggies 2
Week 2 Shopping List
Provolone Cheese
Sour cream
Cheddar cheese
Cream cheese
Ricotta cheese
Parmesan cheese
Stew meat
Ground Beef
Chicken Breasts 2
Lettuce/Salad mix 3
Green Beans
Dry Goods
Red wine
White or Sherry wine
Refried Beans
Jumbo Shells
Crm chicken soup
Crm mushroom soup
Green chili peppers
Beef broth
Spaghetti sauce
Chopped Spinach
Week 3 Shopping List
Heavy Cream
Ricotta Cheese
Cheddar Cheese
Roasting Chicken
Chicken Breasts
Round steak
Lettuce/Salad mix
Green Beans
Dry Goods
Garlic Bread
Chopped Spinach
Week 4 Shopping List
Cream Cheese 2
Sour cream
Parmesan cheese 2
Cheddar cheese
Crescent rolls
Ground Beef
Round steak
Chicken Breasts 2
Lettuce/Salad mix
Veggies 2
Red bell pepper
Cherry tomatoes
Dry Goods
Tex-Mex Rice
Black Beans
Cheese Ravioli
Crm mushroom soup
Beef boullion
Kidney beans
Chicken broth
Bread crumbs-seasoned
Garlic Bread
Chopped Spinach
Hash browns
Week 5 Shopping List
Queso cheese
Sour cream
Cheese slices
Parmesan cheese
Ground Beef 2
Stew meat
Chicken Breasts
Lettuce/Salad mix
Cherry Tomatoes
Ceasar Salad
Portabella mushrooms
Dry Goods
Burger Buns
Rice 2
Egg Noodles
Taco Seasoning
Taco shells/tortillas
Refried Beans
Condiments (burgers)
Crm mushroom soup
Sherry or white wine
Bread crumbs
Spaghetti sauce
French Fries
Garlic bread
Week 6 Shopping List
Mozerella Cheese
Cottage cheese
Parmasen cheese
Sour cream
Crescent rolls
Ground Beef
Chicken Breasts 3
Tilapia or other fish
Lettuce/Salad mix 3
Dry Goods
Cream of Chicken Soup
Tomato sauce
Tomato paste
Lasagna noodles
Ritz crackers
Bread crumbs-seasoned
Frozen Goods
Veggies 2
French Fries
Week 7 Shopping List
Mozzarella Cheese
Plain Yogurt
Shredded cheese
Ground Beef 2
Roasting Chicken
Chicken Breasts 2
Lettuce/Salad mix 2
Green Peppers
Baby Carrots
Dry Goods
Cornbread Mix
Chili Mix
Canned tomatoes
Tomato juice
Tomato sauce
Chili beans
Crm chicken soup
Chicken broth
Green chilis
Diced tomatoes
Week 8 Shopping List
Cheddar Cheese
Sour cream
Parmesan cheese
Ground Beef
Chicken Breasts
Lettuce/Salad mix
Corn on the Cob
Dry Goods
Cream of Chicken Soup
Cream of Mushroom Soup
Beef broth
Onion soup mix
Tomato sauce
Dried red pepper
Bacon bits
Hash browns
Corn on cob
Mozzarella Cheese
Ground Beef
Chicken Breasts 2
Tilapia or other fish
Potatoes 3
Baby Carrots
Lettuce/Salad mix
Cherry Tomatoes
Dry Goods
Spaghetti noodles
Velveeta cheese
Chicken broth
Crm mushroom soup
Stovetop stuffing
Garlic Bread
Veggies 2
Week 2 Shopping List
Provolone Cheese
Sour cream
Cheddar cheese
Cream cheese
Ricotta cheese
Parmesan cheese
Stew meat
Ground Beef
Chicken Breasts 2
Lettuce/Salad mix 3
Green Beans
Dry Goods
Red wine
White or Sherry wine
Refried Beans
Jumbo Shells
Crm chicken soup
Crm mushroom soup
Green chili peppers
Beef broth
Spaghetti sauce
Chopped Spinach
Week 3 Shopping List
Heavy Cream
Ricotta Cheese
Cheddar Cheese
Roasting Chicken
Chicken Breasts
Round steak
Lettuce/Salad mix
Green Beans
Dry Goods
Garlic Bread
Chopped Spinach
Week 4 Shopping List
Cream Cheese 2
Sour cream
Parmesan cheese 2
Cheddar cheese
Crescent rolls
Ground Beef
Round steak
Chicken Breasts 2
Lettuce/Salad mix
Veggies 2
Red bell pepper
Cherry tomatoes
Dry Goods
Tex-Mex Rice
Black Beans
Cheese Ravioli
Crm mushroom soup
Beef boullion
Kidney beans
Chicken broth
Bread crumbs-seasoned
Garlic Bread
Chopped Spinach
Hash browns
Week 5 Shopping List
Queso cheese
Sour cream
Cheese slices
Parmesan cheese
Ground Beef 2
Stew meat
Chicken Breasts
Lettuce/Salad mix
Cherry Tomatoes
Ceasar Salad
Portabella mushrooms
Dry Goods
Burger Buns
Rice 2
Egg Noodles
Taco Seasoning
Taco shells/tortillas
Refried Beans
Condiments (burgers)
Crm mushroom soup
Sherry or white wine
Bread crumbs
Spaghetti sauce
French Fries
Garlic bread
Week 6 Shopping List
Mozerella Cheese
Cottage cheese
Parmasen cheese
Sour cream
Crescent rolls
Ground Beef
Chicken Breasts 3
Tilapia or other fish
Lettuce/Salad mix 3
Dry Goods
Cream of Chicken Soup
Tomato sauce
Tomato paste
Lasagna noodles
Ritz crackers
Bread crumbs-seasoned
Frozen Goods
Veggies 2
French Fries
Week 7 Shopping List
Mozzarella Cheese
Plain Yogurt
Shredded cheese
Ground Beef 2
Roasting Chicken
Chicken Breasts 2
Lettuce/Salad mix 2
Green Peppers
Baby Carrots
Dry Goods
Cornbread Mix
Chili Mix
Canned tomatoes
Tomato juice
Tomato sauce
Chili beans
Crm chicken soup
Chicken broth
Green chilis
Diced tomatoes
Week 8 Shopping List
Cheddar Cheese
Sour cream
Parmesan cheese
Ground Beef
Chicken Breasts
Lettuce/Salad mix
Corn on the Cob
Dry Goods
Cream of Chicken Soup
Cream of Mushroom Soup
Beef broth
Onion soup mix
Tomato sauce
Dried red pepper
Bacon bits
Hash browns
Corn on cob
Menu Plan
* = Recipe belongs to specific person who will be credited; have copy of recipe to share
** = Recipe does not belong to specific person; have copy of recipe to share
Week 1
Monday - Baked Tilapia, rice, steamed veggies
Tuesday - Crock pot roast with potatoes and carrots, rolls
Wednesday - Church
Thursday – Chicken Spaghetti, tossed salad, garlic bread
Friday - Meatloaf, au gratin potatoes, steamed veggies
Saturday - Curry Cajun Chicken* with mashed potatoes
Sunday - Church
Week 2
Monday - Chicken Enchiladas, refried beans
Tuesday - Beef Burgundy*, rice, tossed salad
Wednesday – Church
Thursday – Crock pot Cream Cheese Chicken** , salad
Friday - Shepherd's Pie** , veggies
Saturday – Stuffed Shells Florentine** , salad
Sunday - Church
Week 3
Monday – Steak and Spinach Pinwheels* , steamed veggies
Tuesday – Crock pot Garlic Brown Sugar Chicken** , rice, salad
Wednesday - Church
Thursday - Pizza
Friday - Baked Shrimp Scampi over linguine**
Saturday - Roast Sticky Chicken* , mashed potatoes, garlic green beans
Sunday - Church
Week 4
Monday – Hash brown Casserole** , veggies
Tuesday – Crock pot Chicken with Black beans and cream cheese** , rice
Wednesday – Church
Thursday - Crock pot Baja Beef and Beans* with Tex Mex Rice*
Friday – Easy Chicken Puffs* , salad
Saturday – Creamy Spinach Ravioli** , garlic bread, veggies
Sunday - Church
Week 5
Monday – Salmon, steamed veggies, rice
Tuesday - Tacos, refried beans, queso/chips
Wednesday – Church
Thursday – Beef Stroganoff* over rice, chopped salad
Friday - Burgers, french fries, beans
Saturday - Chicken Parmesan** , Caesar salad, garlic bread
Sunday - Church
Week 6
Monday - Fish, french fries, veggies
Tuesday - Crock pot Chicken Breasts, veggies
Wednesday – Church
Thursday – Crock pot Lasagna** , salad and breadsticks
Friday – Poppy seed Chicken** , salad and roasted broccoli
Saturday – Easy Chicken Puffs* , salad
Sunday - Church
Week 7
Monday - Roasted chicken, roasted potatoes and salad
Tuesday – Crock pot Chili** and cornbread
Wednesday - Church
Thursday – Crock pot Chicken Tortilla Soup** , chips
Friday – Pizza
Saturday – Stuffed Zucchini** , salad
Sunday – Church
Week 8
Monday – Hash brown casserole** , salad
Tuesday - Crock pot Shredded Beef Sandwiches** , beans, veggies
Wednesday - Church
Thursday – Pizza
Friday - Grilled chicken, corn on the cob, grilled tomatoes
Saturday – Baked Potato Soup** , salad
Sunday - Church
** = Recipe does not belong to specific person; have copy of recipe to share
Week 1
Monday - Baked Tilapia, rice, steamed veggies
Tuesday - Crock pot roast with potatoes and carrots, rolls
Wednesday - Church
Thursday – Chicken Spaghetti, tossed salad, garlic bread
Friday - Meatloaf, au gratin potatoes, steamed veggies
Saturday - Curry Cajun Chicken* with mashed potatoes
Sunday - Church
Week 2
Monday - Chicken Enchiladas, refried beans
Tuesday - Beef Burgundy*, rice, tossed salad
Wednesday – Church
Thursday – Crock pot Cream Cheese Chicken** , salad
Friday - Shepherd's Pie** , veggies
Saturday – Stuffed Shells Florentine** , salad
Sunday - Church
Week 3
Monday – Steak and Spinach Pinwheels* , steamed veggies
Tuesday – Crock pot Garlic Brown Sugar Chicken** , rice, salad
Wednesday - Church
Thursday - Pizza
Friday - Baked Shrimp Scampi over linguine**
Saturday - Roast Sticky Chicken* , mashed potatoes, garlic green beans
Sunday - Church
Week 4
Monday – Hash brown Casserole** , veggies
Tuesday – Crock pot Chicken with Black beans and cream cheese** , rice
Wednesday – Church
Thursday - Crock pot Baja Beef and Beans* with Tex Mex Rice*
Friday – Easy Chicken Puffs* , salad
Saturday – Creamy Spinach Ravioli** , garlic bread, veggies
Sunday - Church
Week 5
Monday – Salmon, steamed veggies, rice
Tuesday - Tacos, refried beans, queso/chips
Wednesday – Church
Thursday – Beef Stroganoff* over rice, chopped salad
Friday - Burgers, french fries, beans
Saturday - Chicken Parmesan** , Caesar salad, garlic bread
Sunday - Church
Week 6
Monday - Fish, french fries, veggies
Tuesday - Crock pot Chicken Breasts, veggies
Wednesday – Church
Thursday – Crock pot Lasagna** , salad and breadsticks
Friday – Poppy seed Chicken** , salad and roasted broccoli
Saturday – Easy Chicken Puffs* , salad
Sunday - Church
Week 7
Monday - Roasted chicken, roasted potatoes and salad
Tuesday – Crock pot Chili** and cornbread
Wednesday - Church
Thursday – Crock pot Chicken Tortilla Soup** , chips
Friday – Pizza
Saturday – Stuffed Zucchini** , salad
Sunday – Church
Week 8
Monday – Hash brown casserole** , salad
Tuesday - Crock pot Shredded Beef Sandwiches** , beans, veggies
Wednesday - Church
Thursday – Pizza
Friday - Grilled chicken, corn on the cob, grilled tomatoes
Saturday – Baked Potato Soup** , salad
Sunday - Church
Menu Plan Recipes
Baja Beef and Beans (Lori)
• 1 1/2 lb. round steak
• 2 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 T. yellow mustard
• 1 t. chili powder
• 1/2 t. salt
• 1/4 t. pepper
• 8 oz. salsa
• 1 chopped onion
• 1 t. beef bouillon
• 1 can of kidney beans
Combine the garlic, mustard, chili powder, salt and pepper. Spread the mixture over the steak, rubbing it in well. Cut the steak into bite-sized pieces. Place in a crockpot and stir in salsa, beef bouillon and onions. Cook on low for 6-8 hours. 30 minutes before serving, stir in drained kidney beans. Serve atop Tex Mex Rice.
Tex Mex Rice (Lori)
• 1 cup rice
• 3/4 cup chopped onion
• 2 T. olive oil
• 1/4 t. pepper
• 2 garlic cloves, minced
• 2 1/2 cup chicken broth
• 1 1/2 t. cumin
• 1 red bell pepper, chopped
Saute onion and garlic in olive oil. Stir in rice and saute until rice is slightly browned. Add broth and bring to a boil. Add spices. Simmer, covered, for 20 minutes. Remove from heat; stir in red pepper. Let it stand for 5 minutes before serving.
Baked Shrimp Scampi
• 1 cup butter
• 2 tablespoons prepared Dijon-style mustard
• 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
• 1 tablespoon chopped garlic
• 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
• 2 pounds medium raw shrimp, shelled, deveined, with tails attached
1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C).
2. In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine the butter, mustard, lemon juice, garlic, and parsley. When the butter melts completely, remove from heat.
3. Arrange shrimp in a shallow baking dish. Pour the butter mixture over the shrimp.
4. Bake in preheated oven for 12 to 15 minutes or until the shrimp are pink and opaque.
Beef Burgandy
• 3 slices bacon, diced
• 1 lb boneless beef stew meat, cut into 1 inch pieces
• 2 garlic cloves, minced
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1/4 teaspoon fresh ground pepper
• 12 ounces mushrooms, halved
• 1 (14 ounce) can beef broth
• 1 1/2 cups dry red wine, such as cabernet sauvignon
• 10 ounces small white pearl onions, peeled (about 24)
• 1 1/2 teaspoons dried thyme or 1 sprig fresh thyme
• 1/4 cup flour
• 1/4 cup water
Cook bacon in a heavy 4 qrt Dutch oven or large saucepan over medium heat until crisp. Transfer bacon with slotted spoon to a medium bowl; set aside.
Brown meat with garlic, transferring it to a plate. Sprinkle evenly with salt and pepper.
Add mushrooms to drippings in pan; cook 3- 4 minutes or until mushrooms are browned, stirring frequently. Transfer mushrooms to bowl with bacon. Set aside.
Return meat with any juices to pan; add onions, broth, wine, and thyme. Bring to a boil; reduce heat to low. Cover; simmer 1 hour.
Combine flour and water, mixing until smooth. Stir into meat mixture. Stir in reserved mushroom mixture. Bring to a boil; reduce heat. Simmer, uncovered, 34- 40 minutes or until meat is tender and sauce thickens, stirring occasionally.
Serve over noodles, rice or potatoes, if desired.
Beef Stroganoff, a la Mudlark
2 Tbs extra virgin olive oil
8 oz. sliced baby portabella mushrooms
1 medium onion, chopped coarsely
1 lb stew beef or steak cut into cubes
1 can Campbell’s Beefy Mushroom soup
1/4 c. Sherry or white wine
1 large dollop of sour cream
Cooked rice, mashed potatoes, or egg noodles
Heat olive oil in large skillet. Add mushrooms and saute while you cut the onion (a couple minutes?), then add the onion. Saute until mushrooms give off their fluid and onion starts to become translucent. Add beef and cook over high heat 1-2 minutes, or until beef is mostly browned, stirring frequently. Lower heat and add soup and sherry. Cover and simmer 10-15 minutes. Stir in sour cream just before serving for maximum flavor. Serve over your choice of yummy, high carb starches - rice, mashed potatoes, or egg noodles. If you want to get all fancy and stuff add a fresh sprig of dill or parsley.
Chicken Parmesean
• 6 chicken breasts halves
• 1/4 cup milk
• 1 egg, beaten
• bread crumbs, enough for coating the chicken
• 3 T. cooking oil
• 1 jar spaghetti sauce
• 2 cups parmesan cheese, shredded (not the kind in a can!)
Pound the chicken breasts to about 1/4 inch thickness. Mix together the milk and beaten egg. Dip the chicken into the milk and egg mixture and then into the bread crumbs. Coat well, making sure the crumbs get into every nook and cranny.
Heat oil in a frying pan over med-high heat. Saute the chicken, approximately 7 minutes per side. Try not to turn it more than once as this will break up the coating.
Lay the chicken in a single layer in a 9 x 13 baking dish. Pour spaghetti sauce over top (I like a lot of sauce, some people like less). Top each chicken breast with a good amount of the Parmesan cheese.
Cover the dish with foil and bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes. Remove foil for the last 5-10 minutes to brown up the cheese a little. The chicken will come out tender and delicious!
Chicken Tortilla Soup
• 1 can cream of chicken soup
• 1 soup can of water
• 1 can chicken broth
• 1 can Rotel tomatoes
• 1 can chopped green chilies (optional; don't add this if you don't want the soup too spicy)
• 1 14 oz. can diced tomatoes
• 2 cups cubed cooked chicken (canned, leftover, or frozen)
• 12 corn tortillas, sliced into strips
• Shredded cheese (cheddar or Monterey Jack)
• Tortilla chips, crushed (optional)
Add all the ingredients into the pot, except the tortillas and cheese. Bring to a boil and simmer about 15 minutes. Add the tortilla strips and cook about 15 minutes more. Serve with cheese and tortilla chips, if desired. Also good with a side dish of guacamole.
Notes: The Rotel tomatoes come in mild or original. Use the mild if you're not into hot foods. It's easy and very filling on a cold evening!
Number of Servings: 4
Submitted by: proudarmymom ( See all of proudarmymom Recipes )
Easy Creamy Spinach Ravioli (Tanya)
Prep: 10 min. Total: 20 min.
2 pkg. (9 oz. each) refrigerated cheese ravioli
1/2 cup (1/2 of 8 oz. tub) Chive & Onion Cream Cheese Spread
1 cup milk
1/4 cup plus 2 Tbsp. grated Parmesan Cheese, divided
4 cups baby spinach leaves
2 Tbsp. chopped fresh dill
Grated peel from 1 lemon
6 cherry tomatoes, quartered
Cook pasta as directed on package.
Meanwhile, place cream cheese spread in large skillet. Add milk; cook on medium heat 1 to 2 min. or until cream cheese is melted and mixture is well blended, stirring frequently. Add 1/4 cup of the Parmesan cheese, the spinach, dill and lemon peel; mix well.
Drain pasta. Add to cream cheese sauce; toss to coat. Serve topped with tomatoes and remaining 2 Tbsp. Parmesan cheese.
Makes 6 servings, 1 cup each.
Recipe from Kraft Food & Family Spring 2008 issue.
There are few tweaks I hope to make the next time I decide to cook this dish.
1. Instead of cheese ravioli, I would like to use bow-tie pasta or some other bite-sized pasta. The cheese ravioli was just too heavy.
2. Add 1/4 to 1/2 pound of crumbled bacon. (mmmm, I love bacon.)
3. Add the spinach when adding the cooked pasta, so it is wilted but not cooked.
Crock Pot Baked Potato Soup
6-8 Potatoes
4 C Water
1 C Milk
1 C Sour cream
Cheddar cheese
Crock Pot Chicken W/ Black Beans and Cream Cheese...yum!
Recipe #89204
4 hours 3 min prep
4-5 boneless chicken breasts
1 (15 1/2 ounce) can black beans
1 (15 ounce) can corn
1 (15 ounce) jar salsa, any kind
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese
1. Take 4-5 frozen, yes, frozen, boneless chicken breasts put into crock pot.
2. add 1 can of black beans, drained, 1 jar of salsa, 1 can of corn drained.
3. Keep in crock pot on high for about 4-5 hours or until chicken is cooked.
4. Add 1 package of cream cheese (just throw it on top!) and let sit for about 1/2 hour.
5. All done and enjoy!
Crock Pot Garlic Brown Sugar Chicken
Recipe #16531
½ day 10 min prep
1 large chicken, cut into serving pieces
1 cup packed brown sugar
2/3 cup vinegar
1/4 cup Sprite or 7-Up soda
2-3 tablespoons minced garlic
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon pepper (regular black or cayenne)
1. Place chicken in crock pot.
2. Mix all remaining ingredients and pour over chicken.
3. Cook on low for 6-8 hours.
4. Serve over rice or noodles.
5. You can thicken the juices after cooking with a little cornstarch.
Crock Pot Cream Cheese Chicken
Recipe #43174
6¼ hours 10 min prep
1 frying chicken, cut up
2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine
salt and pepper, to taste
2 tablespoons dry Italian salad dressing
1 (10 ounce) can condensed cream of mushroom soup
6 ounces cream cheese, cut into cubes
1/2 cup sauterne white wine or sherry wine
1 tablespoon chopped onions
1. Brush chicken with butter and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
2. Place in a crock pot and sprinkle dry mix over all.
3. Cover and cook on low for 6 to 7 hours.
4. About 45 minutes before done, mix soup, cream cheese, wine, and onion in a small saucepan.
5. Cook until smooth.
6. Pour over the chicken and cover and cook another 45 minutes.
7. Spoon sauce over pieces when serving.
Crock Pot Shredded Beef
• 1 2-3 lb sirloin beef roast
• 1 12 oz can beef broth
• 1 pkg dry onion soup mix
• 1 cup water
• 1/4 cup tomato sauce
• 1 tsp dried red pepper
• 1 tsp cumin
• 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
• 1 tsp salt and white pepper
• 2 tbsp olive oil
Brown beef roast in cast iron skillet with olive oil until brown on all sides. This step adds a lot of extra flavor. When browned, place beef in slow cooker or medium sized crock pot. Mix spices with tomato sauce. Pour sauce, water, broth over beef and cook on high for 5-6 hours or medium for 8 hours. When most of liquid has been absorbed and meat is easily torn apart with a fork serve with a good crusty roll or over rice.
Notes: Great to make the night before or while you're at work.
Number of Servings: 4-6 people
Submitted by: M. Demmler ( See all of M. Demmler Recipes )
Crock Pot Stuffed Peppers (Zucchini)
• 6 green sweet peppers
• 1/2 medium onion
• 1 pound lean ground beef
• 1 package chicken flavored rice and vermicelli mix (Rice-a-Roni)
• 1 cup frozen corn
• 1 1/2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
• 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese (low moisture, part skim) (4 ounces)
• Nonstick cooking spray
• 1 8-oz can tomato sauce
Wash green peppers and cut tops off. Clean out seeds from inside of peppers. Chop the tops of the peppers and set aside. Chop the onion. Saute ground beef in skillet until lightly brown. Drain off grease. Add beef back to skillet and saute with chopped onions and chopped pepper tops until peppers start to soften. In medium bowl, add Rice-a-Roni, beef mixture, corn, Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper, and cheese. Mix well. Scoop mixture evenly into the six peppers. Lightly coat the inside of the crock pot with cooking spray for easy cleanup. Place the filled peppers in the slow cooker. Pour the tomato sauce evenly over the peppers. Cook for 6 to 8 hours on low-heat setting or 3 to 4 hours on high-heat setting.
Notes: Colorful presentation and great tasting autumn recipe.
Number of Servings: 6
Submitted by: Rayma ( See all of Rayma Recipes )
Crockpot Hearty Beef Chili Recipe
"New Flavors from your Crockery Cooker" by Better Homes and Gardens
1 29-ounce can tomatoes, cut up
1 10 ounce can chopped tomatoes and green chili peppers
2 c. vegetable juice or tomato juice
1-2 tbsp. chili powder
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. dried oregano, crushed
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 lbs. beef or pork stew meat, cut into 1" cubes
2 c. chopped onion
1 1/2 c. chopped celery
1 c. chopped green pepper
2 15-ounce cans black, kidney, and/or garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
Toppers such as shredded Mexican cheese or cheddar cheese, dairy sour cream, thinly sliced green onion, snipped cilantro, thinly sliced jalapeno peppers, and/or sliced pitted ripe olives (optional)
In a 6 quart crockery cooker combine both cans of undrained tomatoes, vegetables or tomato juice, chili powder, cumin, oregano, and garlic. Stir in the meat, onion, celery, and sweet pepper.
Cover; cook on low-heat setting for 8 to 10 hours or on high heat setting for 4 to 5 hours. If using low heat setting, turn to high heat setting. Stir in the beans; cook 15 minutes more. Spoon into bowls. If desired, serve with toppers.
Makes 10 servings* Prep time: 20 min.
Nutrition facts perserving: 224 calories, 6 g total fat (2 g saturated fat), 49 mg cholesterol, 807 mg sodium, 24 g carbohydrate, 6 g fiber, 24 g protein. Daily values: 16% vitamin A, 66% vitamin C, 7% calcium, 28% iron.
Curry Cajun Chicken (Lori)
• 1/3 cup honey
• 3 tbs water
• 3 tbs made mustard
• 2 tbs butter, melted
• 2 tsp Cajun seasoning
• 2 tsp curry powder
• 1 tsp lemon juice
• 1 clove garlic, minced
• 4 chicken breasts
Combine all ingredients, except for chicken, in a shallow baking dish that will fit the chicken breasts. Add chicken, turn to coat with the sauce. Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes, or until no longer pink inside. Use pan drippings as a sauce for potatoes or rice.
Easy Chicken Puffs (Fried Okra)
2 cups cooked, diced chicken (I usually grill or cook extra chicken sometime when I'm already making it for a family meal and then make a batch of puffs in the next couple of days.)
8 oz. cream cheese, at room temperature (I use the herb and chive flavored cream cheese, because it is NUMMY in the puffs, but you could use plain as well.)
1 tube of 8 refrigerated bake-and-serve crescent rolls
1/4 cup diced onion
1 Tbsp. olive or vegetable oil
4 Tbsp. seasoned dry bread crumbs
4 tsp. butter
Slowly cook onion in oil on stovetop, allowing it to caramelize slightly. Stir onion and cream cheese into diced chicken. Carefully remove roll dough from tube and divide into 4 portions of 2 triangles each. Pat connecting seams of each pair of rolls together and stretch lightly to form 4 squares of dough. Place 1/2 cup of chicken mixture in the center of each square, then gently pull corners up around chicken and pinch all seams together so they're sealed tightly.
Freezing for later use:
Place four little chicken puffs seam-side down on a tray that has been lightly oiled or covered with parchment. Place tray in freezer and allow puffs to freeze solid, then remove from tray and store in a tightly sealed container or plastic freezer bag.
Allow puffs to thaw. Preheat oven to temperature specified on the roll packaging and bake for 15 minute or until dough is cooked but not yet browned. Remove from oven and place one teaspoon butter on each puff, then top the butter with a tablespoon of breadcrumbs. Return puffs to the oven for remainder of cooking time - 5 or 10 minutes.
Easy Crock Pot Lasagna
Recipe #144144
4¾ hours 45 min prep
1 lb ground beef
1 medium onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 (29 ounce) can tomato sauce
1 cup water
1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon dried oregano
8 ounces lasagna noodles, uncooked
4 cups mozzarella cheese, shredded
1 1/2 cups small curd cottage cheese
1/2 cup parmesan cheese, grated
1. Brown beef, add onion and garlic - cook until onion is softened.
2. Stir in tomato sauce, water, tomato paste, salt and oregano - mix well.
3. Spread one fourth of the meat sauce in an ungreased slow cooker. Arrange one third of the noodles over the sauce.
4. Combine the cheeses.
5. Spoon one third of the cheese mixture over the noodles.
6. Repeat layers twice.
7. Top with remaining meat sauce.
8. Cover and cook on low 4-5 hours
Hash Brown Casserole
• 1 lb ground beef-cooked
• 1 (10 ounce) can undiluted cream of mushroom soup
• 3/4 cup milk
• 3/4 cup sour cream
• 1/3 cup melted butter
• 1 teaspoon seasoning salt
• 1 teaspoon ground black pepper (or to taste)
• 2 teaspoons garlic powder
• 3/4 cup grated parmesan cheese, divided
• 2 cups grated cheddar cheese (more to top after baking if desired)
• 1 small onion, chopped
• 2-3 green onions, chopped
• 1 (2 lb) bag frozen hash browns, thawed
Set oven to 350°F. Butter a 13x9-inch casserole dish.
In a large bowl stir together the undiluted soup, milk, sour cream, melted butter, seasoned salt, black pepper, garlic powder and 1/4 cup parmesan cheese; whisk or mix until well combined.
Mix in the cheddar cheese, onions and hash browns. Spread into prepared baking dish. Sprinkle with about 1/2 cup parmesan cheese.
Bake uncovered for 40 minutes or until hot and bubbly.
If desired sprinkle about 2 cups grated chedar cheese on top and return to oven for 3minutes to melt the cheese.
Poppy Seed Chicken
4-6 chicken breasts; cooked, diced or shredded
8 oz sour cream
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 TBLS poppy seeds
Ritz crackers; crushed
1 stick butter
Cook chicken then lay in bottom of dish . Mix other 3 ingredients together and spread over chicken. Spread layer of crushed crackers over dish. Drizzle butter over dish. Bake for 30 min at 350 degrees.
Roast Sticky Chicken (Lori)
4 tsp. salt
2 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. cayenne pepper
1 tsp. onion powder
1 tsp. thyme
1 tsp. white pepper
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1 cup chopped onions
1 large roasting chicken
Rinse & dry chicken. Combine spices and mix well; rub onto chicken, both inside and out. Place chicken in a large, resealable bag and chill overnight. Place in shallow pan and roast uncovered at 250 degrees for 5 hours. After the first hour, baste every half hour with the pan juices.
Shepherd’s Pie
1.5 pounds ground beef
Can of corn
1 C hot water
2 C milk
1, 8 oz sour cream
½ stick butter
½ C shredded cheddar cheese
Cook beef; add seasoning while browning; spread in 9x13 dish.
Cover beef with corn.
Combine potatoes, water, milk, sour cream; spread over corn.
Drizzle butter on top.
Cook for 30 min in 350 degree oven. Add cheese. Cook for 5 more minutes.
Steak & Spinach Pinwheels (Lori)
1 lb. very thinly sliced round steak
1 pkg. frozen spinach
8 oz. shredded Parmesan cheese (not the kind from the can - it's just not the same here)
salt & pepper to taste
Thaw and drain well the spinach. I like to squeeze it in order to make sure that all the moisture is out of it. Take one slice of beef and spread a thin layer of spinach over it. Top with cheese and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Repeat with remaining ingredients. Roll up beef slices and secure rolls with toothpicks. Cut through rolls into slices, forming pinwheel shapes. Each roll should yield about three pinwheels. Bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes, or until beef cooks through. Serve.
I find that the Parmesan cheese adds a really nice tang to the beef and spinach. I've also used mozzarella when I'm short on the Parmesan and had good results.
Stuffed Shells Florentine
• 1 box of jumbo shells, cooked al dente
• 2 tsp. olive oil
• 1/2 cup finely chopped onion
• 1/2 bag of baby spinach, chopped
• 1 egg, beaten
• 1 1/2 cups ricotta cheese
• 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
• salt & pepper to taste
• 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg
• 1 jar spaghetti sauce
Saute onion in olive oil until translucent. Add spinach and saute a few more minutes, until spinach is wilted. Set aside. Mix egg, ricotta cheese and Parmesan cheese. Add salt, pepper and nutmeg. Stir in spinach and onion mixture. Pour enough spaghetti sauce into the bottom of a 9x13 pan to create a thin layer. Stuff pasta shells with cheese mixture and place into pan. Top with additional sauce. Bake for 40minutes at 350 degrees.
• 1 1/2 lb. round steak
• 2 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 T. yellow mustard
• 1 t. chili powder
• 1/2 t. salt
• 1/4 t. pepper
• 8 oz. salsa
• 1 chopped onion
• 1 t. beef bouillon
• 1 can of kidney beans
Combine the garlic, mustard, chili powder, salt and pepper. Spread the mixture over the steak, rubbing it in well. Cut the steak into bite-sized pieces. Place in a crockpot and stir in salsa, beef bouillon and onions. Cook on low for 6-8 hours. 30 minutes before serving, stir in drained kidney beans. Serve atop Tex Mex Rice.
Tex Mex Rice (Lori)
• 1 cup rice
• 3/4 cup chopped onion
• 2 T. olive oil
• 1/4 t. pepper
• 2 garlic cloves, minced
• 2 1/2 cup chicken broth
• 1 1/2 t. cumin
• 1 red bell pepper, chopped
Saute onion and garlic in olive oil. Stir in rice and saute until rice is slightly browned. Add broth and bring to a boil. Add spices. Simmer, covered, for 20 minutes. Remove from heat; stir in red pepper. Let it stand for 5 minutes before serving.
Baked Shrimp Scampi
• 1 cup butter
• 2 tablespoons prepared Dijon-style mustard
• 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
• 1 tablespoon chopped garlic
• 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
• 2 pounds medium raw shrimp, shelled, deveined, with tails attached
1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C).
2. In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine the butter, mustard, lemon juice, garlic, and parsley. When the butter melts completely, remove from heat.
3. Arrange shrimp in a shallow baking dish. Pour the butter mixture over the shrimp.
4. Bake in preheated oven for 12 to 15 minutes or until the shrimp are pink and opaque.
Beef Burgandy
• 3 slices bacon, diced
• 1 lb boneless beef stew meat, cut into 1 inch pieces
• 2 garlic cloves, minced
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1/4 teaspoon fresh ground pepper
• 12 ounces mushrooms, halved
• 1 (14 ounce) can beef broth
• 1 1/2 cups dry red wine, such as cabernet sauvignon
• 10 ounces small white pearl onions, peeled (about 24)
• 1 1/2 teaspoons dried thyme or 1 sprig fresh thyme
• 1/4 cup flour
• 1/4 cup water
Cook bacon in a heavy 4 qrt Dutch oven or large saucepan over medium heat until crisp. Transfer bacon with slotted spoon to a medium bowl; set aside.
Brown meat with garlic, transferring it to a plate. Sprinkle evenly with salt and pepper.
Add mushrooms to drippings in pan; cook 3- 4 minutes or until mushrooms are browned, stirring frequently. Transfer mushrooms to bowl with bacon. Set aside.
Return meat with any juices to pan; add onions, broth, wine, and thyme. Bring to a boil; reduce heat to low. Cover; simmer 1 hour.
Combine flour and water, mixing until smooth. Stir into meat mixture. Stir in reserved mushroom mixture. Bring to a boil; reduce heat. Simmer, uncovered, 34- 40 minutes or until meat is tender and sauce thickens, stirring occasionally.
Serve over noodles, rice or potatoes, if desired.
Beef Stroganoff, a la Mudlark
2 Tbs extra virgin olive oil
8 oz. sliced baby portabella mushrooms
1 medium onion, chopped coarsely
1 lb stew beef or steak cut into cubes
1 can Campbell’s Beefy Mushroom soup
1/4 c. Sherry or white wine
1 large dollop of sour cream
Cooked rice, mashed potatoes, or egg noodles
Heat olive oil in large skillet. Add mushrooms and saute while you cut the onion (a couple minutes?), then add the onion. Saute until mushrooms give off their fluid and onion starts to become translucent. Add beef and cook over high heat 1-2 minutes, or until beef is mostly browned, stirring frequently. Lower heat and add soup and sherry. Cover and simmer 10-15 minutes. Stir in sour cream just before serving for maximum flavor. Serve over your choice of yummy, high carb starches - rice, mashed potatoes, or egg noodles. If you want to get all fancy and stuff add a fresh sprig of dill or parsley.
Chicken Parmesean
• 6 chicken breasts halves
• 1/4 cup milk
• 1 egg, beaten
• bread crumbs, enough for coating the chicken
• 3 T. cooking oil
• 1 jar spaghetti sauce
• 2 cups parmesan cheese, shredded (not the kind in a can!)
Pound the chicken breasts to about 1/4 inch thickness. Mix together the milk and beaten egg. Dip the chicken into the milk and egg mixture and then into the bread crumbs. Coat well, making sure the crumbs get into every nook and cranny.
Heat oil in a frying pan over med-high heat. Saute the chicken, approximately 7 minutes per side. Try not to turn it more than once as this will break up the coating.
Lay the chicken in a single layer in a 9 x 13 baking dish. Pour spaghetti sauce over top (I like a lot of sauce, some people like less). Top each chicken breast with a good amount of the Parmesan cheese.
Cover the dish with foil and bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes. Remove foil for the last 5-10 minutes to brown up the cheese a little. The chicken will come out tender and delicious!
Chicken Tortilla Soup
• 1 can cream of chicken soup
• 1 soup can of water
• 1 can chicken broth
• 1 can Rotel tomatoes
• 1 can chopped green chilies (optional; don't add this if you don't want the soup too spicy)
• 1 14 oz. can diced tomatoes
• 2 cups cubed cooked chicken (canned, leftover, or frozen)
• 12 corn tortillas, sliced into strips
• Shredded cheese (cheddar or Monterey Jack)
• Tortilla chips, crushed (optional)
Add all the ingredients into the pot, except the tortillas and cheese. Bring to a boil and simmer about 15 minutes. Add the tortilla strips and cook about 15 minutes more. Serve with cheese and tortilla chips, if desired. Also good with a side dish of guacamole.
Notes: The Rotel tomatoes come in mild or original. Use the mild if you're not into hot foods. It's easy and very filling on a cold evening!
Number of Servings: 4
Submitted by: proudarmymom ( See all of proudarmymom Recipes )
Easy Creamy Spinach Ravioli (Tanya)
Prep: 10 min. Total: 20 min.
2 pkg. (9 oz. each) refrigerated cheese ravioli
1/2 cup (1/2 of 8 oz. tub) Chive & Onion Cream Cheese Spread
1 cup milk
1/4 cup plus 2 Tbsp. grated Parmesan Cheese, divided
4 cups baby spinach leaves
2 Tbsp. chopped fresh dill
Grated peel from 1 lemon
6 cherry tomatoes, quartered
Cook pasta as directed on package.
Meanwhile, place cream cheese spread in large skillet. Add milk; cook on medium heat 1 to 2 min. or until cream cheese is melted and mixture is well blended, stirring frequently. Add 1/4 cup of the Parmesan cheese, the spinach, dill and lemon peel; mix well.
Drain pasta. Add to cream cheese sauce; toss to coat. Serve topped with tomatoes and remaining 2 Tbsp. Parmesan cheese.
Makes 6 servings, 1 cup each.
Recipe from Kraft Food & Family Spring 2008 issue.
There are few tweaks I hope to make the next time I decide to cook this dish.
1. Instead of cheese ravioli, I would like to use bow-tie pasta or some other bite-sized pasta. The cheese ravioli was just too heavy.
2. Add 1/4 to 1/2 pound of crumbled bacon. (mmmm, I love bacon.)
3. Add the spinach when adding the cooked pasta, so it is wilted but not cooked.
Crock Pot Baked Potato Soup
6-8 Potatoes
4 C Water
1 C Milk
1 C Sour cream
Cheddar cheese
Crock Pot Chicken W/ Black Beans and Cream Cheese...yum!
Recipe #89204
4 hours 3 min prep
4-5 boneless chicken breasts
1 (15 1/2 ounce) can black beans
1 (15 ounce) can corn
1 (15 ounce) jar salsa, any kind
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese
1. Take 4-5 frozen, yes, frozen, boneless chicken breasts put into crock pot.
2. add 1 can of black beans, drained, 1 jar of salsa, 1 can of corn drained.
3. Keep in crock pot on high for about 4-5 hours or until chicken is cooked.
4. Add 1 package of cream cheese (just throw it on top!) and let sit for about 1/2 hour.
5. All done and enjoy!
Crock Pot Garlic Brown Sugar Chicken
Recipe #16531
½ day 10 min prep
1 large chicken, cut into serving pieces
1 cup packed brown sugar
2/3 cup vinegar
1/4 cup Sprite or 7-Up soda
2-3 tablespoons minced garlic
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon pepper (regular black or cayenne)
1. Place chicken in crock pot.
2. Mix all remaining ingredients and pour over chicken.
3. Cook on low for 6-8 hours.
4. Serve over rice or noodles.
5. You can thicken the juices after cooking with a little cornstarch.
Crock Pot Cream Cheese Chicken
Recipe #43174
6¼ hours 10 min prep
1 frying chicken, cut up
2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine
salt and pepper, to taste
2 tablespoons dry Italian salad dressing
1 (10 ounce) can condensed cream of mushroom soup
6 ounces cream cheese, cut into cubes
1/2 cup sauterne white wine or sherry wine
1 tablespoon chopped onions
1. Brush chicken with butter and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
2. Place in a crock pot and sprinkle dry mix over all.
3. Cover and cook on low for 6 to 7 hours.
4. About 45 minutes before done, mix soup, cream cheese, wine, and onion in a small saucepan.
5. Cook until smooth.
6. Pour over the chicken and cover and cook another 45 minutes.
7. Spoon sauce over pieces when serving.
Crock Pot Shredded Beef
• 1 2-3 lb sirloin beef roast
• 1 12 oz can beef broth
• 1 pkg dry onion soup mix
• 1 cup water
• 1/4 cup tomato sauce
• 1 tsp dried red pepper
• 1 tsp cumin
• 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
• 1 tsp salt and white pepper
• 2 tbsp olive oil
Brown beef roast in cast iron skillet with olive oil until brown on all sides. This step adds a lot of extra flavor. When browned, place beef in slow cooker or medium sized crock pot. Mix spices with tomato sauce. Pour sauce, water, broth over beef and cook on high for 5-6 hours or medium for 8 hours. When most of liquid has been absorbed and meat is easily torn apart with a fork serve with a good crusty roll or over rice.
Notes: Great to make the night before or while you're at work.
Number of Servings: 4-6 people
Submitted by: M. Demmler ( See all of M. Demmler Recipes )
Crock Pot Stuffed Peppers (Zucchini)
• 6 green sweet peppers
• 1/2 medium onion
• 1 pound lean ground beef
• 1 package chicken flavored rice and vermicelli mix (Rice-a-Roni)
• 1 cup frozen corn
• 1 1/2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
• 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese (low moisture, part skim) (4 ounces)
• Nonstick cooking spray
• 1 8-oz can tomato sauce
Wash green peppers and cut tops off. Clean out seeds from inside of peppers. Chop the tops of the peppers and set aside. Chop the onion. Saute ground beef in skillet until lightly brown. Drain off grease. Add beef back to skillet and saute with chopped onions and chopped pepper tops until peppers start to soften. In medium bowl, add Rice-a-Roni, beef mixture, corn, Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper, and cheese. Mix well. Scoop mixture evenly into the six peppers. Lightly coat the inside of the crock pot with cooking spray for easy cleanup. Place the filled peppers in the slow cooker. Pour the tomato sauce evenly over the peppers. Cook for 6 to 8 hours on low-heat setting or 3 to 4 hours on high-heat setting.
Notes: Colorful presentation and great tasting autumn recipe.
Number of Servings: 6
Submitted by: Rayma ( See all of Rayma Recipes )
Crockpot Hearty Beef Chili Recipe
"New Flavors from your Crockery Cooker" by Better Homes and Gardens
1 29-ounce can tomatoes, cut up
1 10 ounce can chopped tomatoes and green chili peppers
2 c. vegetable juice or tomato juice
1-2 tbsp. chili powder
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. dried oregano, crushed
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 lbs. beef or pork stew meat, cut into 1" cubes
2 c. chopped onion
1 1/2 c. chopped celery
1 c. chopped green pepper
2 15-ounce cans black, kidney, and/or garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
Toppers such as shredded Mexican cheese or cheddar cheese, dairy sour cream, thinly sliced green onion, snipped cilantro, thinly sliced jalapeno peppers, and/or sliced pitted ripe olives (optional)
In a 6 quart crockery cooker combine both cans of undrained tomatoes, vegetables or tomato juice, chili powder, cumin, oregano, and garlic. Stir in the meat, onion, celery, and sweet pepper.
Cover; cook on low-heat setting for 8 to 10 hours or on high heat setting for 4 to 5 hours. If using low heat setting, turn to high heat setting. Stir in the beans; cook 15 minutes more. Spoon into bowls. If desired, serve with toppers.
Makes 10 servings* Prep time: 20 min.
Nutrition facts perserving: 224 calories, 6 g total fat (2 g saturated fat), 49 mg cholesterol, 807 mg sodium, 24 g carbohydrate, 6 g fiber, 24 g protein. Daily values: 16% vitamin A, 66% vitamin C, 7% calcium, 28% iron.
Curry Cajun Chicken (Lori)
• 1/3 cup honey
• 3 tbs water
• 3 tbs made mustard
• 2 tbs butter, melted
• 2 tsp Cajun seasoning
• 2 tsp curry powder
• 1 tsp lemon juice
• 1 clove garlic, minced
• 4 chicken breasts
Combine all ingredients, except for chicken, in a shallow baking dish that will fit the chicken breasts. Add chicken, turn to coat with the sauce. Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes, or until no longer pink inside. Use pan drippings as a sauce for potatoes or rice.
Easy Chicken Puffs (Fried Okra)
2 cups cooked, diced chicken (I usually grill or cook extra chicken sometime when I'm already making it for a family meal and then make a batch of puffs in the next couple of days.)
8 oz. cream cheese, at room temperature (I use the herb and chive flavored cream cheese, because it is NUMMY in the puffs, but you could use plain as well.)
1 tube of 8 refrigerated bake-and-serve crescent rolls
1/4 cup diced onion
1 Tbsp. olive or vegetable oil
4 Tbsp. seasoned dry bread crumbs
4 tsp. butter
Slowly cook onion in oil on stovetop, allowing it to caramelize slightly. Stir onion and cream cheese into diced chicken. Carefully remove roll dough from tube and divide into 4 portions of 2 triangles each. Pat connecting seams of each pair of rolls together and stretch lightly to form 4 squares of dough. Place 1/2 cup of chicken mixture in the center of each square, then gently pull corners up around chicken and pinch all seams together so they're sealed tightly.
Freezing for later use:
Place four little chicken puffs seam-side down on a tray that has been lightly oiled or covered with parchment. Place tray in freezer and allow puffs to freeze solid, then remove from tray and store in a tightly sealed container or plastic freezer bag.
Allow puffs to thaw. Preheat oven to temperature specified on the roll packaging and bake for 15 minute or until dough is cooked but not yet browned. Remove from oven and place one teaspoon butter on each puff, then top the butter with a tablespoon of breadcrumbs. Return puffs to the oven for remainder of cooking time - 5 or 10 minutes.
Easy Crock Pot Lasagna
Recipe #144144
4¾ hours 45 min prep
1 lb ground beef
1 medium onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 (29 ounce) can tomato sauce
1 cup water
1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon dried oregano
8 ounces lasagna noodles, uncooked
4 cups mozzarella cheese, shredded
1 1/2 cups small curd cottage cheese
1/2 cup parmesan cheese, grated
1. Brown beef, add onion and garlic - cook until onion is softened.
2. Stir in tomato sauce, water, tomato paste, salt and oregano - mix well.
3. Spread one fourth of the meat sauce in an ungreased slow cooker. Arrange one third of the noodles over the sauce.
4. Combine the cheeses.
5. Spoon one third of the cheese mixture over the noodles.
6. Repeat layers twice.
7. Top with remaining meat sauce.
8. Cover and cook on low 4-5 hours
Hash Brown Casserole
• 1 lb ground beef-cooked
• 1 (10 ounce) can undiluted cream of mushroom soup
• 3/4 cup milk
• 3/4 cup sour cream
• 1/3 cup melted butter
• 1 teaspoon seasoning salt
• 1 teaspoon ground black pepper (or to taste)
• 2 teaspoons garlic powder
• 3/4 cup grated parmesan cheese, divided
• 2 cups grated cheddar cheese (more to top after baking if desired)
• 1 small onion, chopped
• 2-3 green onions, chopped
• 1 (2 lb) bag frozen hash browns, thawed
Set oven to 350°F. Butter a 13x9-inch casserole dish.
In a large bowl stir together the undiluted soup, milk, sour cream, melted butter, seasoned salt, black pepper, garlic powder and 1/4 cup parmesan cheese; whisk or mix until well combined.
Mix in the cheddar cheese, onions and hash browns. Spread into prepared baking dish. Sprinkle with about 1/2 cup parmesan cheese.
Bake uncovered for 40 minutes or until hot and bubbly.
If desired sprinkle about 2 cups grated chedar cheese on top and return to oven for 3minutes to melt the cheese.
Poppy Seed Chicken
4-6 chicken breasts; cooked, diced or shredded
8 oz sour cream
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 TBLS poppy seeds
Ritz crackers; crushed
1 stick butter
Cook chicken then lay in bottom of dish . Mix other 3 ingredients together and spread over chicken. Spread layer of crushed crackers over dish. Drizzle butter over dish. Bake for 30 min at 350 degrees.
Roast Sticky Chicken (Lori)
4 tsp. salt
2 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. cayenne pepper
1 tsp. onion powder
1 tsp. thyme
1 tsp. white pepper
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1 cup chopped onions
1 large roasting chicken
Rinse & dry chicken. Combine spices and mix well; rub onto chicken, both inside and out. Place chicken in a large, resealable bag and chill overnight. Place in shallow pan and roast uncovered at 250 degrees for 5 hours. After the first hour, baste every half hour with the pan juices.
Shepherd’s Pie
1.5 pounds ground beef
Can of corn
1 C hot water
2 C milk
1, 8 oz sour cream
½ stick butter
½ C shredded cheddar cheese
Cook beef; add seasoning while browning; spread in 9x13 dish.
Cover beef with corn.
Combine potatoes, water, milk, sour cream; spread over corn.
Drizzle butter on top.
Cook for 30 min in 350 degree oven. Add cheese. Cook for 5 more minutes.
Steak & Spinach Pinwheels (Lori)
1 lb. very thinly sliced round steak
1 pkg. frozen spinach
8 oz. shredded Parmesan cheese (not the kind from the can - it's just not the same here)
salt & pepper to taste
Thaw and drain well the spinach. I like to squeeze it in order to make sure that all the moisture is out of it. Take one slice of beef and spread a thin layer of spinach over it. Top with cheese and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Repeat with remaining ingredients. Roll up beef slices and secure rolls with toothpicks. Cut through rolls into slices, forming pinwheel shapes. Each roll should yield about three pinwheels. Bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes, or until beef cooks through. Serve.
I find that the Parmesan cheese adds a really nice tang to the beef and spinach. I've also used mozzarella when I'm short on the Parmesan and had good results.
Stuffed Shells Florentine
• 1 box of jumbo shells, cooked al dente
• 2 tsp. olive oil
• 1/2 cup finely chopped onion
• 1/2 bag of baby spinach, chopped
• 1 egg, beaten
• 1 1/2 cups ricotta cheese
• 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
• salt & pepper to taste
• 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg
• 1 jar spaghetti sauce
Saute onion in olive oil until translucent. Add spinach and saute a few more minutes, until spinach is wilted. Set aside. Mix egg, ricotta cheese and Parmesan cheese. Add salt, pepper and nutmeg. Stir in spinach and onion mixture. Pour enough spaghetti sauce into the bottom of a 9x13 pan to create a thin layer. Stuff pasta shells with cheese mixture and place into pan. Top with additional sauce. Bake for 40minutes at 350 degrees.
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