Monday, June 28, 2010

A well-deserved tassel~Kindergarten Graduation 2010

Not really sure where to start with this one.

My heart has always been fond of small school settings.  Preferably the kind that has a lot about God and faith running through its veins.  We have been blessed with that for the big kids since A started her first school experience at the age of 3 years.  And although we will experience it again once my heart is strong enough let my last baby go  B is big enough to go, for now we have had to move on without our safety net.

L had a good year last year, but honestly, this year was more than I could have imagined or hoped for.  I was told how good his teacher was and how much he would learn, BUT.OH.MY, I really had no idea.

Even my husband agreed that all the money we "wasted on Kindergarten" was worth it!  ;)

L with two of his best buddies and future rock band members!  What a handsome trio! 

L led the opening prayer before singing.

These kids learned SO.MUCH this year.  They recited The Pledge of Allegiance, States of the USA, Presidnets of the USA, Books of the Bible, The Lord's Prayer, The 23rd Psalm, The Ten Commandents, their A-Z Bible Verses, and Luke 2:1-14.  And that doesn't even include all the academic stuff they learned! 

They also performed "The Three Piggy Opera".

There is my L as the Big Bad Wolf!  I loved listening to him practice all the time.
"I want a big fat pig to eat, I want a big fat pig to eat, I want a big fat pig to eat!  Yummy, yummy, yummy, mmm, mmm, mmm!"

L receiving his diploma and big hug from Ms. R, the owner of the school.

And a big hug from Ms. T, his teacher.

So proud!

I love this picture of L and his teacher, Ms. T!  She took the class around February because their teacher was having some serious health issues.  Ms. T had taught at the school before but was finishing up her teaching degree when she stepped in to help out.  I found out later how worried she had been that the parents wouldn't be happy about taking Ms. C's place, but she made the transition as seamless as possible and did a fabulous job!

His first teacher, Ms. C, congratulating him on his performance and graduation.  She also was telling him how much she loved the letter and picture he sent her.

He had not seen Ms. C in a few months and was so glad to give her a hug!  There were a lot of prayers for her as she faced some uncertainty regarding her health issues.  I can happily report that after some major surgery and lots of R&R time, she is 200% better and with clean bill of health!  It would be hard to adequately express what she did for these kids and what she means to so many people.  She is one of those remarkable teachers that is able to balance the perfect classroom~fun, respect, responsibilities, faith, knowledge, skills.  She had very high expectations of these children as she lovingly, yet firmly, guided and taught them.  We are so, so, so grateful for what she gave L this year!  Ugh....enough or I will cry again!

Ms. M is the assistant director and ALWAYS greeted the children with a smile every day!  He is getting a hug after giving her a gift!

He adores Ms. R, the owner and director!  I am tearing up right now just thinking about it!  She is just one of those people that really loves these kids and wants them to learn AND shine for Jesus!

B wandering past the cookie table.  Probably wondering if he could sneak one off without getting caught!



Kimmy said...

Congrats to L! It sounds like he had an amazing year!

Anonymous said...
