Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rock and Roll for Jesus!

This summer, I am trying to do fun AND cheap things with the kids. We are staying busy with lots of little things.  A great topic for another time!

We don't get the newspaper, so the other day while at my in-laws, I shuffled through several day's worth to catch up. In one, there was a big write-up about a concert coming to town, featuring one of our town's own. A christian concert featuring several artists for only $5, hosted by one of the bigger local churches in town. Both of the big kids love music, singing, playing instruments and L just started guitar lessons so I thought it might be fun to take them to a "real" rock concert. A brought a friend along and we bought our tickets for a fun night.

I had heard this band's name a few times, but I will admit that for the most part, I am terrible about keeping up with which bands go with which songs. I know what songs I like and we listen to the area's christian station for the most part, but I didn't really know what we would be hearing.

Was I in for a treat!!

We got to hear Building 429! Jason grew up in this town and Jesse is from the area as well (can't remember exactly where). The concert was part of the SummerFest Tour as they partner with Food for the Hungry.

You can listen to You Carried Me, Always, Glory Defined, and End of Me

The kids were excited to go but really had no idea what to expect. I have a little secret for you.....pssst.....lean closer.....

I think I had more fun than they did!

It was SO good! The music was loud. The crowd was excited. The message was clear.

I knew several of their songs, recognizing them from the radio once they started singing.

We also got to see Mike'sChair.  (Click on the name to hear Let The Waters Rise!) They were really good too!  Here is Can't Take Away.

Maybe it was crazy (at least my husband thought I was crazy!), but I just want to expose the kids to as much good stuff as I can even at their ages. And by good stuff, I do mean christian rock music!! And yes husband, christian rock bands DO know how to rock the house and DO play real rock music!

Check their tour schedule and try to catch them if they are in your area!

Getting the party started!


Joining in with the music!

More Mike'sChair

In this case, following the crowd is a good thing!  That's A with her arms up!

L is feeling the music!!

L was mesmorized by the talents of the guys in the band.  He just started guitar lessons himself so his interest was peaked!  The loud speakers AND loud music didn't phase him.

On the other hand, two little girls were wimping out on me!  Sorry girls, this isn't your Taylor Swift music!

Building 429

Having fun with a song he knew from the radio!!

I love these next pics! 
Both bands were super nice to the kids, signing autographs and taking pictures.
A got her jeans signed and L got his shirt signed. 
Yes, I could have bought stuff to be signed but I was trying to be light-handed at the concert so I could enjoy it.
No purse = No extra cash!

The kids with Mike'sChair

Building 429 with us!  Not sure why I was leaning over except that the other guys were doing it.  Just call the me the little old lady....hunched over in Mommy clothes at a rock concert!!  :)


1 comment:

Cindy said...

Wow you are the coolest mom ever!! What a neat event! I've actually heard of those two bands and yes they are awesome! How fun!