Thursday, September 9, 2010

Swim 2010

Last year, A joined the competitive summer swim team.  This year, L became a Nemo and did swim team as well.

L during a competition.

The one thing that slows him down...looking at his competition!

The finish line!

A in ready position.

A good finish!

I am so proud of both of this year!  It amazes me that just last summer L was really only beginning to be an independent swimmer.  And this summer, he was swimming LOTS of laps everyday and 25' in competitions!  A had a fabulous summer too.  She was in a really large age-bracket this year that had lots of good swimmers in it.  Even though she didn't "win" as much as she wanted, she lowered her swim times between 8-10 seconds in every stroke. 

And this little man endured every practice!  Daddy and I actually split the competitions this year because running after a toddler for 7 hours in the summer heat every Saturday did not sound fun!

This is B's first introduction to actually getting in the water.  At a friend's swim party.  Lots of sideline observing and a little testing of the water.  He wasn't too sure! 

But he sure was happy to watch!!  I love every time I capture this look because you can.just. feel.his.excitement!!

The human cannonball!

Later that week, the kids enjoyed more water fun at the swim team's summer party.

L about to get crazy....

and go for the front flip!
(keep beating heart!!)

And A ready for the running jump....

for her forward flip!
(And we won't even talk about her back back dive/flip that really did stop my heart!)

Hmmm, thinking about it.

Still thinking.

Not so bad.

Going for it!!

And LOVING it!!

Mommy better get bathing suit ready (I boycotted this year.) because I have a feeling that we are going to be in the pool a LOT next summer!

Sweet summer face!

L playing with his friends.



kel said...

My kids joined a team this year too...Brittney is loving it Braden says "its a lot of work"!

Cara said...

SO CUTE! Brought back so many memories of swim meets, I did those too. Forgot about the ratio of 7 hours + of waiting to about 7 minutes of actual competing!