Thursday, July 29, 2010

New Digs~The Preview

In April, we started the process of building a house on some family property that had been purchased the year we moved here.  I thought I would do a little preview with more details and the final reveal coming later.

Here are L and A on the property after it had been cleared and cleaned up.

These two trees are near the entrance.

View looking towards side of house with garage.

Standing in the garage.

Looking towards kid side of house.

From the road.

Progress.  Front/side of house.  That is the office bay window.

Standing at front door looking towards living room and breakfast room.

Same but now with walls up!

Standing in master bath looking into master bedroom.  Window and door look out back.  Door goes to back patio.

Standing in master looking through master bath and closet.  Those are the office windows at front since office backs up to master closet.

Standing at master entrance, looking towards back of master window.

Master bath with walls.  Looking towards closet.

Back porch from master.

A cute baby that comes with the house! :)

Standing in living room looking towards breakfast and kitchen.

More of a view of kitchen. You can see dining room on the right.  And a runaway baby!!

Breakfast and kitchen with walls up.

Looking into kitchen from breakfast.

Another breakfast shot.  Doors and window look to back porch.

Looking into office from door.

Looking into entry and office from dining.  There is a sleepy baby!

Looking into mudroom then garage from hallway.  Mud room is on left.  Laundry room in on right.

My sacred place~the craft/hobby/sewing room.  It is small yet oh so big!!

Looking into A's room.  The boys are across the hall and they share a bath.  A has her own small bath which we will use for company.

The part where I tell what a wonderful and easy experience it is building a house with your spouse will come later.  Or never!  However, I will share as much insight as I can into our experience, my feelings about the whole thing, and how excited the kids are that they can finally get a dog soon!


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

June 2010

This is one of the fun things I get to watch most mornings...B anxious to go wake up the kids!  In our rental house, the kids have had to share a room.  Can you imagine how excited they are since that is all coming to an end soon!

Some fun at breakfast!

He is all about sharing his food these days.

Although the big kids swim almost every day in the summer, they can't get enough so the sprinklers came out one evening.  This was B's first sprinkler experience.  Of course, he is ALWAYS excited to do what the big kids are doing!

Laundry duty!

One of new tricks in June was start climbing up onto his "stage"!  I think he misses his stairs from the old house.  I don't!!

Ta Da!

Sister turned him into a super hero one day!

I can never get enough of feet pictures!

Good morning!!

I have my first full-on pacifier baby (more on that later!) and it is stressing me out.

Look at those cute chompers!  Still only four teeth, but a few more will emerge next month!

L got a Wii-like game for his birthday, so B is helping him out here.

We got a great deal on mirrors for our new house at Hobby Lobby and have had to store them in our bedroom the past few months.  You can imagine the enjoyment B got from those mirrors!

He is sneaking up on me and thinks it is so funny!

He discovered his love of other people's shoes this month.  I love this age!!

Notice where he is standing?  He knows exactly what putting on shoes means....going outside!

See the trail of mess in the kitchen?  That is his trail every day...many times a day!  He loves his drawer with his cups and straws and he also loves my pans.  I would love to know what is going on in his head.  He does this all the time.  Gets out the pans and stands on them like he is going to skate or surf!  He is so determined every time!

A fun day meeting friends at Chic-Fi-La! 


The day after L's birthday party was B's balloons!!  And shoes, of course!

And my monthly round-up would not be complete without some self-portraits from my kids!

L must have wanted everyone to see the guitar he got for his birthday!  He is taking lessons in hopes of attaining his rock star status!

The kids made these fun trays for Daddy for Father's Day!  Thanks to my friend, Kelli, for letting me know about this project.  Melting records in the oven to make bowls!

Happy Father's Day!
